Postdoctoral post in Glasgow

Mike Titterington mike at
Wed Aug 29 10:17:12 EDT 2001


                      UNIVERSITY  OF  GLASGOW

                     DEPARTMENT  OF  STATISTICS


       Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistantship
   (IA) post in the Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow, to
   work with Professor D.M. Titterington for a period of up to 3 years,
   starting as soon as possible. The post is funded by the UK Engineering
   and Physical Sciences Research Council.

       The research topic is 'Approximate Approaches to Likelihood and
   Bayesian Statistical Inference in Incomplete-data problems'. 

       Applications, supported by full curriculum vitae and the names of
   three referees, should be sent, to arrive no later than September 21, 2001,
   to Professor D. M. Titterington, Department of Statistics, University of
   Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, from whom further particulars are 
   available. Informal enquiries by electronic mail (mike at
   are welcomed.

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