FW: new book on Information Geometry

Shun-ichi Amari amari at brain.riken.go.jp
Thu Aug 9 00:57:01 EDT 2001


理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター 領域ディレクター
脳型情報システム 知能アーキテクチャー研究グループ
351−0198 和光市広沢2−1

Dear Connectionists

    I have announced the publication of the book
       "Methods of Information Geometry"
but heard complaints that the book is out of stock.
Now they printed further, and you can order from
AMS or Oxford University Press through bookshops.

    It is my pleasure to announce the publication of
a book on Information Geometry.  I have been
often asked if there is a good book on information
geometry to know its general perspectives. Here it is.

    S.Amari and H.Nagaoka, Methods of Information Geometry,
      AMS Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol 191
      (translated by Daishi Harada)
      American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Oxford University Press,
      206 + x pages, 2000.   (See http://www.ams.org/)

Shun-ichi Amari

Vice Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Laboratory for Mathematical Neuroscience
Research Group on Brain-Style Information Systems

tel: +81-(0)48-467-9669; fax: +81-(0)48-467-9687
amari at brain.riken.go.jp

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