ICANN-WS on Kernel based Methods for Computer Vision
Horst Bischof
bis at prip.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Apr 19 13:05:12 EDT 2001
ICANN 2001 Workshop on
Kernel & Subspace Methods for Computer Vision
Call for Papers
Workshop Co-organizers:
Ales Leonardis
Horst Bischof
Scope of the workshop:
This half-day workshop will be held in conjunction with ICANN 2001
on August 25, 2001 in Vienna.
In the past years, we have been witnessing vivid developments of
sophisticated kernel and subspace methods in neural network and
pattern recognition communities on one hand and extensive use of
these methods in the area of computer vision on the other hand.
These methods seem to be especially relevant for object and scene
recognition. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together scientists
from the neural network (pattern recognition) and computer vision
community to analyze new developments, identify open problems, and
discuss possible solutions in the area of kernel & subspace methods
such as:
Support Vector Machines
Independent Component Analysis
Principle Component Analysis
Canonical Correlation Analysis, etc.
for computer vision problems such as:
Object Recognition
Navigation and Robotics
3D Vision, etc.
Contributions in the above mentioned areas are welcome.
The program will consist of invited and selected contributed papers.
The papers selected for the workshop will appear in a Workshop
Proceedings which will be distributed among the workshop participants.
It is planned that selected papers from the workshop will be published
in a journal.
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: 31.5.2001
Notification of Accaptance: 29.6.2001
Final Papers Due: 3.8.2001
Submission instructions:
A complete paper, not longer than 12 pages including figures and
references, should be submitted in the LNCS page format. The layout of
final papers must adhere strictly to the guidelines set out in the
Instructions for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Contributions to LNCS
Proceedings. Authors are asked to follow these instructions exactly.
In order to reduce the handling effort of papers we allow only for
electronic submissions by ftp (either ps or pdf files).
ftp ftp.prip.tuwien.ac.at
[anonymous ftp, i.e.:
Name: ftp
Password: <your email address> ]
cd kernelws
put <your name>.ext
Workshop Registration:
Registration for the Workshop can be done at the ICANN 2001 Homepage
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