Article: Associative Neural Network

Igor Tetko Igor.Tetko at
Wed Apr 11 03:53:54 EDT 2001

Dear Connectionists,

the following paper (15 pages in pdf format) is  available as CogPrints archive

ID code: cog00001441.

and also from

Best regards,
Igor Tetko

             Igor V. Tetko

         Associative Neural Network


An associative neural network (ASNN) is a combination of an ensemble
of the feed-forward neural networks and the K-nearest neighbor
technique. The introduced network uses correlation between ensemble
responses as a measure of distance of the analyzed cases for the
nearest neighbor technique and provides an improved prediction by the
bias correction of the neural network ensemble. An associative neural
network has a memory that can coincide with the training set. If new
data become available, the network further improves its predicting
ability and can often provide a reasonable approximation of the
unknown function without a need to retrain the neural network

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