paper available: Are there orthographic impairments in phonological dyslexia?

Michael Harm mharm at
Wed Sep 6 10:21:00 EDT 2000


This is to announce a paper that has been accepted for publication in
Cognitive Neuropsychology that may be of interest to some people on
this list.

   Are There Orthographic Impairments in Phonological Dyslexia?

                Michael W. Harm, CMU
                Mark S. Seidenberg, USC


Two hypotheses have been advanced concerning the basis of acquired
phonological dyslexia.  According to the dual-route model, the pattern
derives from impaired grapheme-phoneme conversion. According to the
phonological impairment hypothesis, it derived from impaired
representation and use of phonology. Effects of graphemic complexity
and visual similarity observed in studies by Howard and Best (1996)
orthographic effects on phoneme counting (Berndt et al. 1996) and data
from patient LB (Derouesne and Beauvois 1985) have been taken as
evidence for an orthographic impairment in phonological dyslexia and
therefore against the impaired phonology hypothesis (Coltheart
1996). We present a computational simulation, results of two
behavioral studies and a critical analysis of the MJ and LB data which
suggest that the ``orthographic'' deficits in such patients arise from
phonological impairments that interact with orthographic properties of

A preprint is available at

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(blah blah blah.)


Mike Harm
mharm at
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
Carnegie Mellon University

    At midnight, all the agents,
    And the superhuman crew,
    Come out and round up everyone,
    That knows more than they do.

                  Bob Dylan,  "Desolation Row"

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