DIBA source code release

Ofer Melnik melnik at cs.brandeis.edu
Mon Oct 30 23:16:53 EST 2000

The Decision Intersection Boundary Algorithm describes what a
threshold feed-forward neural network is doing in the form of
polytopic decision regions. It can be used to visualize and analyze
the exact computation being performed by these types of networks.

Examples of the kind of information that can be extracted by this
algorithm can be seen on the webpage:

The basic DIBA algorithm is being released as C++ source code under
the Gnu Public License, without support. It has been compiled under
Linux, but should compile under any standard C++ compiler and
libraries. The three dimensional output formats available are Matlab,
Povray and MHD.

-Ofer Melnik

Ofer Melnik PhD                     melnik at cs.brandeis.edu
Volen Center for Complex Systems    Ph: (781)-736-2719
Brandeis University                     (781)-736-DEMO
Waltham MA 02254

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