PhD studentship in kernel methods/SVMs
Colin Campbell, Engineering Mathematics
C.Campbell at
Wed Mar 22 08:23:21 EST 2000
***PhD studentship: Kernel Methods for Bioinformatics***
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in
the field of kernel methods (for example, Support
Vector Machines) and their application to biosequence data.
This position is a project studentship funded by the EPSRC
and will pay all fees and maintenance for an applicant who
is a citizen of the European Union. The grant also includes
ample funds for travel and conference attendence.
The emphasis of the proposed research is on the
development of new algorithms and theoretical work.
Consequently applicants should have a good first degree
with a substantial mathematical component. A background
in computing would also be an advantage. The applications
component will be the development and evaluation of kernel
methods specifically designed for handling classification
tasks arising in bioinformatics.
Further details about the proposed research area may
be obtained from our webpage
which has a downloadable review paper (An Introduction to
Kernel Methods) describing the subject in more detail.
Non-EU candidates may also apply for the studentship
but because of the difference between EU and overseas fees
only exceptionally able candidates can be considered.
Further details can be obtained from:
Dr. Colin Campbell,
Dept. of Engineering Mathematics,
Queen's Building,
University of Bristol,
Bristol BS8 1TR
United Kingdom
Email: C.Campbell at
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