SIGKDD Explorations: call for papers: volume 2, issue 1

Dr. Sunita Sarawagi sunita at
Tue Mar 21 01:13:26 EST 2000

We invite submissions to the first issue of the second volume of
SIGKDD Explorations to be published by the middle of the year. SIGKDD
explorations is the official newsletter of ACM's new Special Interest
Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.  Two issues of the
first volume issue are already out and available online at  SIGKDD Explorations
newsletter is sent to the ACM SIGKDD membership and to a world-wide
network of libraries.  

Submissions can be made in any one of the following categories.
    - survey/tutorial articles (short) on important topics not 
      exceeding 20 pages
    - topical articles on problems and challenges
    - well-articulated position papers
    - technical articles not exceeding 15 pages.
    - news items on the order of 1-3 paragraphs
    - Brief announcements not exceeding 5 lines in length. 
    - review articles of products and methodologies not exceeding 20 pages
    - reviews/summaries from conferences, panels and special meetings.
    - reports on relevant meetings and committees related to the field

*NEW*: We also have added a for-pay advertisement section to allow
vendors, companies, consultants, and others to reach the rapidly
growing SIGKDD community. Advertising rates start at $250
for quarter page, $500 per half page, and $1000 for a full page.

Submissions should be made to fayyad at or
sunita at  All submissions must arrive by May 21, 2000
for inclusion in the next issue.  

Some words about the SIGKDD newsletter:
SIGKDD Explorations is a bi-annual newsletter dedicated to 
serve the SIGKDD membership and community. 
Our goal is to make SIGKDD Newsletter a very informative, rapid
publication, and interesting forum for communicating with SIGKDD 

Submissions will be reviewed by the editor and/or associate editors 
as apporpriate. The distribution will be very wide (on the web, to 
all members but probably not restricted access the first year, and to
ACM's world-wide network of libraries. Members get e-mail notifications
of new issues and get hardcopies if they desire). 

For more information on SIGKDD visit and for
more information on the newsletter visit

Usama Fayyad, Editor-in-Chief
fayyad at

Sunita Sarawagi, Associate Editor
sunita at

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