PhD studentship in SVM novelty detection, Univ. Oxford / Microsoft Cambridge

Bernhard Schoelkopf bsc at
Mon Mar 20 18:48:08 EST 2000

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship supervised by 
Prof. L. Tarassenko (Neural Networks and Signal Processing Group, 
University of Oxford) and Dr. B. Schoelkopf (Microsoft Research, 
Cambridge, UK) in the field of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for 
novelty detection. The detection of novelty is an important generic 
problem in health monitoring, and the SVM paradigm is an excellent 
theoretical framework for this.
The student will be expected to develop state-of-the-art machine 
learning algorithms, with a view to applying them to real world 
problems such as epileptic seizure detection.
Applicants with an excellent degree in Computer Science, Mathematics,
Engineering, Physics are invited to contact Prof. Tarassenko 
(Lionel.Tarassenko at or Dr. Schoelkopf (bsc at
for further information.
The student will be based at Oxford University, with the possibility
of an internship at Microsoft Research during the summer vacations.
The studentship, starting 1/10/2000, is generously funded by Microsoft.

With kind regards

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