Computational Neuroscience: Modelling single trial EEG data for source separation and localisation

Lisboa Paulo P.J.Lisboa at
Mon Jun 26 05:51:35 EDT 2000

PhD Studentship at JMU, Liverpool

A position is available for the analysis of single trial EEG for
source separation and localisation, funded as a 3 year PhD studentship
(approx.  £6,800 p.a. plus fees) in a project involving industrial
collaboration.  The project will involve the use of Hidden Markov
modelling, Independent Component Analysis, and purpose-built neural
networks , as well as advanced statistical methods, all of which are
in demand in industrial positions world-wide.

Applicants should have a good first degree or a Masters degree in
Mathematics, Statistics or Physics, preferably with familiarity with
neural networks, and with interest in cognitive
neuroscience. Familiarity with programming using Matlab or C++ are
essential, as are good written and oral communication skills in
English.  The successful candidate will be expected TO contribute
towards a team effort, but must also be self-motivated and able to
work individually.

If you would like to obtain further information, please contact
Professor Paulo Lisboa at p.j.lisboa at

The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday, 7th July 2000.

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