Faculty Positions at Sheffield

Noel Sharkey n.sharkey at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Wed Jun 7 05:27:35 EDT 2000

*Apologies if you receive more than one copy

********************* Faculty POSITIONS ******************

The University of Sheffield Department of Computer Science has two
faculty positions (lectureships - British equivalent of
tenure-track assistant professor), to start ASAP. We are looking for
outstanding researchers in any area of Computer Science, with a
willingness to do some undergraduate teaching outside their area of
research. There are a number of internationally excellent research
groups within the dept. - see www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/research/groups/

I would particularly like to encourage researchers in the field of
robotics with a preference for adaptive methods (NNs, GAs), BioRobotics,
or intelligent sensing.
(See the NRG group pages: www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/research/groups/nrg/)

Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested. 

Deadline 16 June; Interview 27 June. Formal application procedure
is via instructions in
Information on the department and University from:
  Noel Sharkey PhD FIEE FBCS
  Professor of Computer Science
  Dept. Computer Science	  email: n.sharkey at dcs.shef.ac.uk
  University of Sheffield		fax:   (0114) 2221810
  Sheffield, S. Yorks, UK		phone: (0114) 2221803

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