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Shun-ichi Amari
amari at
Thu Jun 1 04:54:58 EDT 2000
Dear connectionists:
It is my pleasure to announce the following symposium,
focussing on 1) graphical methods and statistics, 2) combining
learners, 3) VC dimension and support vector machines, and
4) information geometry and statistical physical methods.
Shun-ichi Amari
Vice Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Laboratory for Mathematical Neuroscience
Research Group on Brain-Style Information Systems
tel: +81-(0)48-467-9669; fax: +81-(0)48-467-9687
amari at
Bernoulli-RIKEN BSI 2000 Symposium
on Neural Networks and Learning
Dates and Venues:
Symposium: October 25 - 27, 2000
Ohkouchi Hall, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research),
Satellite Workshop: October 28, 2000
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan
In order to celebrate Mathematical Year 2000, The Bernoulli
Society is organizing a number of Symposia in rapidly developing
research areas in which probability theory and statistics
can play important roles.
Brain science in the wide sense will become more
important in the 21 century. Information processing in the brain
is so flexible and its learning ability is so strong that it is
indeed a challenge for information science to elucidate its mechanisms.
It is also a big challenge to construct information processing
systems of brain style.
The present Symposium focuses on learning ability of
real and artificial neural networks and related systems from
theoretical and practical points of view. Probability theory
and statistics will play fundamental roles in elucidating
these systems, and they in turn fortify stochastic and statistical
Theories of neural learning and pattern recognition have a
long history, and lots of new ideas are emerging currently.
They have also practical applicability in the real world problems.
Now is a good time to review all of these new ideas and methods and
to discuss future directions of developments.
We will invite worldwide top class researchers in these fields
and discuss the state-of-the-art of neural networks and learning
as well as future directions of this important area. Participants
are by invitation only. We are expecting 50 -80 participants from
all over the world.
After the symposium, we will organize a more informal one-day workshop:
"Towards new unification of statistics and neural networks learning".
The detailed information for time tables and abstracts can be obtained at
Those who have interests in joining the Symposium and Workshop
may ask invitation through the above web-site after June 15 when we are
ready. If you have any questions, contact the organizing committee at
bernoulli2000 at
The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
RIKEN Brain Science Institute
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Japanese Neural Networks Society
In Cooperation with:
Japanese Statistical Society
Supported by:
The Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970)
The Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications research Technology
Organizing Committee:
Chair Shun-ichi Amari, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan
Leo Breiman, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Shinto Eguchi, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan
Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Noboru Murata, Waseda University, Japan
Mike Titterington, University of Glasgow, UK
Vladimir Vapnik, AT&T, USA
Registration fee 10,000 Japanese yen (nearly 100 US$) (including reception)
is requested at the conference vennue. There is 50% student discount.
1. Graphical Models and Statistical Methods:
Steffen L. Lauritzen (Aalborg University)
Graphical models for learning
Thomas S. Richardson (University of Warwick)
Ancestral graph Markov models:
an alternative to models with latent or selection variables
Lawrence Saul (AT&T Labs)
Hidden variables and distributed representations
in automatic speech recognition
Martin Tanner (Northwestern University)
Inference for and Applications of Hierarchical Mixtures-of-Experts
2. Combining Learners
Leo Breiman (University of California, Berkeley)
Random Forests
Jerome H. Friedman (Stanford University)
Gradient boosting and multiple additive regression trees
Peter Bartlett (Australian National University)
Large Margin Classifiers and Risk Minimization
Yoram Singer (The Hebrew University)
Combining Learners: an Output Coding Perspective
3. Information Geometry and Statistical Physics
Shinto Eguchi (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Information geometry of tubular neighbourhoods
for a statistical model
Shun-ichi Amari (RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
Information geometry of neural networks
Manfred Opper (Aston University)
The TAP Mean Field approach for probabilistic models
Magnus Rattray (University of Manchester)
Modelling the learning dynamics of latent variable models
4. VC Dimension and SVM
Vladimir Vapnik (AT&T Labs)
Statistical learning theory and support vector machines
Michael Kearns (AT&T Labs)
Sparse Sampling Algorithms for Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence
Gabor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University)
Model selection, error estimation, and concentration
Bernhard Schoelkopf (Microsoft Research Ltd.)
SV Algorithms and Applications
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