Post doctoral positions in the PEN network
Gary Cottrell
gary at
Fri Jul 28 13:23:30 EDT 2000
Postdoctoral Research Positions in Cognitive Neuroscience
Applications are invited for four 2-year postdoctoral positions
starting between 1/1/1 and 1/1/2 in the Perceptual Expertise Network
(PEN), recently funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation. There is
no application deadline, and appropriate applicants will be chosen as
they apply. The network's goals are to explore how "different" brains
approach object recognition and categorization by comparing normals,
agnosics, autistic individuals, non-human primates, and computational
models. The network is headed by Isabel Gauthier (Vanderbilt University)
and includes the following PIs: James Tanaka (Oberlin College), Tim
Curran (Case Western University), Michael Tarr (Brown University),
Marlene Behrmann (Carnegie Mellon University), Daniel Bub (University of
Victoria), Robert Schultz (Yale Child Study Center), David Sheinberg
(Brown University) and Garrison Cottrell (UCSD).
One of the positions is to work at Vanderbilt with Dr. Gauthier,
using fMRI and psychophysics to study the neural bases of visual object
recognition. Two other positions may be held at any of the network's
sites, with preference given to applicants wishing to spend time at
multiple sites and demonstrating enthusiasm and skill for integrative
and collaborative work. An additional 2-year position is available at
the University of Victoria (under Dr. Bub's supervision), beginning
1/1/2. Applicants should have strong interests in detailed analyses of
neuropsychological cases.
All applicants should demonstrate an outstanding background in
conducting original research on the mechanisms of face and/or object
recognition, or work that has theoretical relevance in this field. For
all positions, the network will support attendance to triannual PEN
meetings. Post-doctoral PEN fellows will have access to a many
cutting-edge techniques in cognitive neuroscience, including a computer
graphics designer for stimuli preparation, fMRI, ERP, computational
modeling, psychophysics, neurophysiology and neuropsychological
populations (individuals with visual agnosia or autism spectrum
disorders). Applicants for these positions should submit C.V., relevant
reprints, 3 letters of references and a 1-2 page proposal on how they
hope to combine the techniques or approaches of at least two of the PEN
investigators to pursue issues in visual object representation and
expertise. Applications in electronic format are encouraged (Word98 or
PDF) and letters of recommendation can be sent electronically to
isabel.gauthier at Applications can also be sent by mail
to: Isabel Gauthier, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Psychology Departmen,
502 Wilson Hall, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240. Phone: 615
322 1778 FAX: 615 343 8449, isabel.gauthier at More
information can be found at:
Gary Cottrell 858-534-6640 FAX: 858-534-7029
Faculty Assistant Karen Chang: 858-822-3286 kkchang at
Computer Science and Engineering 0114
3101 Applied Physics and Math Building
University of California San Diego -E.M. Forster
La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0114
Email: gary at or gcottrell at
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