behavioral neuroscience postdoc positions at the University of Washington

Sheri Mizumori sheri.mizumori at
Wed Jul 5 17:54:06 EDT 2000

Post Doctoral Positions in Behavioral Neuroscience

Two NIH funded positions are available for research concerning the
neurobiology of learning and memory.  Recent research from this lab
has investigated the relative contributions of multiple brain
structures to adaptive navigation by rats.  These and other ongoing
studies involve parallel recordings of single unit activity within
single brain as well as across diverse neural systems.  Our goal is to
understand how neural systems dynamically interact as a function of
experience.  In addition, we are interested in how these interactions
change as a function of changing brain states such as that which occur
during normal aging and pathological conditions.  The neural dynamics
mediating learning are also explored with computational models.

The lab will be moving to the University of Washington in August,
2000.  Positions can start anytime after our arrival at the UW.
Interested persons should send a vita and names of 3 references to:

Sheri J. Y. Mizumori
Dept. Psychology
390 S. 1530 E. Rm. 502
Univ. Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Office: 801-581-5555
FAX: 801-581-5841
Email: mizumori at

After Aug. 1, send to:

Sheri J. Y. Mizumori
Dept. Psychology
Box 351525
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1525

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