Paper on a new method to study in-vitro network operations

Makoto Taketani taketani at
Mon Jan 24 00:50:25 EST 2000

The following recent paper may be of interest to those in this list
interested in new methods to study in-vitro network operations.

A new planar multielectrode array for extracellular recording:
application to hippocampal acute slice
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 93, 61-67.

The present paper describes a new planar multielectrode array (the MED
probe) and its electronics (the MED system) which perform
electrophysiological studies on acute hippocampal slices.
The MED probe has 64 planar  microelectrodes, is covered with a
non-toxic, uniform insulation layer, and is further coated with
polyethylenimine and serum.
The MED probe is shown to be appropriate for both stimulation and
recording.  In particular, multi-channel  recordings of field EPSPs
obtained by stimulating with a pair of planar microelectrodes were
established for rat hippocampal acute slices. The recordings were stable
for six hours. Finally a spatial distribution of long-term potentiation
was studied using  the MED system

The full article can be downloaded from 
Makoto Taketani, Ph.D.
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3800
Tel: 949-824-5770; FAX: 949-824-5737
Net: taketani at

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