Research Assistantships

Mahesan Niranjan m.niranjan at
Tue Jan 11 08:16:59 EST 2000


     Research Assistantships:    Modelling Tools for Air Pollution

Two-year post doctoral positions, one at Sheffield University CS Department
and one at Anglia Polytechnic University(APU) Geography Department, will be 
advertised shortly for immediate start. The project, funded by the European 
Community involves a consortium of 9 partners, the lead contractor being the 
Department of  Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia. The project 
acronym is APPETISE [the 'A' is for 'Air', one of the 'P's is for Pollution, 
and the rest is necessary condition for EC funding :-)].

A substantial part of the project will involve the use of data driven models,
such as neural networks and other time series modelling tools applied to
air-pollution, traffic and meteorological data from an urban environment.
As is common with such projects, there are milestones, workpackages and 
deliverables, but there will also be good space for original research.

The work at APU will have a slight bias towards instrumentation, data 
collection and handling. The work at Sheffield will have a theoretical/ 
modelling bias.

If interested, or if you know anyone who might be interested, please let
us know:

     Mahesan Niranjan :      m.niranjan at
     Alison Greig     :      A.J.Greig at

Mahesan Niranjan                   Phone:  44 114 222 1805
Professor of Computer Science      FaX:    44 114 222 1810
University of Sheffield            Email:  M.Niranjan at

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