MicroNeuro'2000 Conference CFP

MicroNeuro2000.GenChair MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr
Thu Feb 10 05:28:23 EST 2000

==>        MICRONEURO'2000        CALL FOR PAPERS        <=
Please apologize for multiple reception.
Do NOT reply if your are not concerned.

      ##      MICRONEURO'2000      ##

        8th International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural,
        Fuzzy and Bio-inspired Systems
        Grenoble, France, September 25-27, 2000

MicroNeuro'2000 is the eighth of a series of international conferences
previously held in Dortmund, Muenchen, Edinburgh, Torino, Lausanne, Dresden
and Granada, in each of which around a hundred specialists have
participated. The conference is dedicated to hardware implementations of
artificial neural networks, fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems, and related
bio-inspired computing architectures. The program will focus upon all
aspects related to the hardware implementation of these systems, with
special emphasis on specific VLSI analog, digital and pulse-coded circuits.

All informations may be found at the following URL:

General Chair               Jeanny Herault, Univ. of Grenoble, F.
                                     MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr
Program Chair              Patrick Garda, Univ. of Paris, F.
                                     MicroNeuro2K.ProgChair at lis.jussieu.fr
Organization Chair       Gerard Bouvier, Inst. Natl. Polytech., Grenoble, F.
                                     MicroNeuro2K.OrgChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr
Japan Chair                  Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu, Jp
                                     yamakawa at ces.kuytech.ac.jp
USA Chair                   Andreas G. Andreou, Johns Hopkins Univ., USA
                                     andreou at cspjhu.clsp.jhu.edu

Steering Committee        K.Goser, Dortmund, D
                                       A.F.Murray, Edinburgh,UK
                                       A. Prieto, E
                                       U.Ramacher, Muenchen, D
                                       L. Reyneri, Torino, I
                                       B. Spaanenburg, Groningen, NL
                                       E. Vittoz, Neufchatel, CH


Categories for submissions include, but are not limited to, the following
             VLSI circuits and system architectures
             Potential technologies and effects of process scaling-down
             Neural interfaces and sensors
             Hardware-oriented neural models, architectures and algorithms
             Neuromorphic engineering and bio-inspired microelectronics
             Fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy hardware
             Smart MEMS
             Single electron devices
             Analog implementations and prospective electronic technologies



POSTSCRIPT FORMAT (mandatory) A4 page, 2 columns, 10 pt Times Roman,
maximum 8 pages (detailed author guidelines are available at
http://www.lis.jussieu.fr/MicroNeuro2000/ ), should be put on the ftp server:
At the same time, an e-mail should be sent to the MICRONEURO'2000 Program
Chair by the author to whom all further correspondence will be sent:
             MicroNeuro2K.ProgChair at lis.jussieu.fr
The text of the e-mail should indicate clearly: title, corresponding
author's name, affiliation, address, fax number, e-mail address,
preferred presentation (oral/poster), and the topic or topics the paper
best fits.

Proposed contributions will be refereed, and accepted papers will appear in
the proceedings of the conference, which is expected to be published by the
IEEE Computer Society  Press. In order to facilitate the refereeing process
and an appropriate scheduling of the conference, authors are encouraged to
include in their manuscripts descriptions as complete as possible of their
work, including the simulation and/or experimental results available.
* Proposals should be e-mailed to the Program Chair and manuscripts put on
the ftp server:
               Prof. Patrick Garda
               Laboratoire des Instruments et Systemes
               Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Case 252
               4, Place Jussieu
               F-75252 Paris
               Tel:  ++33 1 44 27 75 07
               Fax: ++33 1 44 27 75 09
               e-mail:  MicroNeuro2K.ProgChair at lis.jussieu.fr
               ftp server:  ftp.lis.jussieu.fr/pub

* Notice that for a paper to be published in the conference proceedings, at
least one of the authors should be registered.


A demo room will be available, where authors may show working demos of
their projects and/or systems. Prospective "demonstrators" should send a
short description (one page plus one photo) of the demo, including the
installation requirements.
* Proposals of demos should be addressed to the Organization Chair:
               Prof. Gerald Bouvier
               Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux, Inst. Natl.Polytech.
               46, Av. Felix Viallet
               F-38031 Grenoble Cedex 1
               Tel:  ++33 (0)4 76 57 43 59
               Fax: ++33 (0)4 76 57 47 90
               MicroNeuro2K.OrgChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr

        =>  DEADLINES  <=
  Submissions of papers and demo proposals:      May 1,      2000
  Notification of acceptance:                                  June 1,
  Reception of accepted papers in final form:          July 1,     2000
  Author's registration for an accepted paper:         July 1,     2000

  Conference                              September   25-27, 2000


The conference will take place at Villard de Lans, a pleasant village in
the mountain near Grenoble. Room reservations can be made at:
               "Grand Hotel de Paris"
               (Special rates for MicroNeuro, please specify)
               124 place Pierre Chabert
               F-38250 Villard de Lans
               Phone:  +33 (0) 4 76 95 10 06        Fax:  +33 (0) 4 76 95 10 06
               e-mail:  ghp at ghp-vercors.com        http://www.ghp-vercors.com/
               Rates (including breakfast):
               Single: 340 FF,  Double: 215 FF / person,
               Students (3 per room): 157 FF / person.

or in other local hotels:

About Grenoble

* Accommodation information and inquiries should be asked to the General Chair:
               Prof. Jeanny Hérault
               Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux, Inst. Natl.Polytech.
               46, Av Felix Viallet
               F-38031 Grenoble Cedex 1
               Tel:  ++33 (0)4 76 57 43 60
               Fax: ++33 (0)4 76 57 47 90
               MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr


Senior researchers    Before May 15:  2600 FF,    After May 15:  2900 FF
Students                   Before May 15:  1700 FF,    After May 15:  1900 FF

* Some fellowships may be granted to students from eastern-Europe
countries, according to the available funding. Please, ask to the General
               MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr


        PROGRAM COMMITTEE (tentative and not limited, to be confirmed)
     J. Alspector, Col. Springs, USA
     X. Arreguit, Neufchatel, CH
     J. Austin, York, UK
     T. Bernard, Paris, F
     J. Cabestany, Barcelona, E
     G.Cauwenberghs, Baltimore, USA
     D. Collobert, Lannion, F
     D. del Corso, Torino, I
     R. Douglas, Zurich, CH
     P. Ienne, Muenchen, D
     G. Andover, Zurich, CH
     M. Jabri, Sydney, AU
     S. Jones,, UK
     H. Klan, Berlin, D
     A. Koenig, Dresden, D
     J. Lazzaro, Berkeley, USA
     J. A. Nossek, Muenchen, D
     E. Pasero, Torino, I
     F.J. Pelayo, Granada, E
     A. Prieto, Granada, E
     P. Senn, CNET, F
     A. Rodriguez-Vazquez, Sevilla, E
     U. Rueckert, Paderborn, D
     E. Sanchez, Lausanne, CH
     E. Sanchez-Sinencio, Texas, USA
     T. Shibata, Tokyo, Jp
     L. Tarassenko, Oxford, UK
     E. Valderrama, Barcelona, E
     M. Verleysen, Louvain-la-Neuve, B
     J. Wawrzynek, Berkeley, USA
     J. D. Muller, CEA, F

        ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE  (to be extended)
     B. Granado, LIS, Paris, F
     R. Velasco, TIMA, Grenoble, F


For further information and inquiries, please contact:

               Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux, Inst. Natl.Polytech.
               46, Av Felix Viallet
               F-38031 Grenoble Cedex 1
               Fax: ++33 (0)4 76 57 47 90
               e-mail :         MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at gabor.inpg.fr
                                    MicroNeuro2K.OrgChair at gabor.inpg.fr
               Laboratoire des Instruments et Systemes
               Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Case 252
               4, Place Jussieu
               F-75252 Paris
               Fax: ++33 1 44 27 75 09
               MicroNeuro2K.ProgChair at lis.jussieu.fr
or see


If you would like to be included in the mailing list in order to receive
further information concerning MicroNeuro'2000, please send the here-after
requested data to:
         MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr

Title (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Prof.):
First name:
Last name:

University or company:




- Please keep me informed about MicroNeuro2000.
- I plan to attend the conference     YES    NO
- I intend to submit a proposal       YES    NO
        Oral presentation:           Poster:             Demo:

Provisional title:


=Jeanny Herault
General Chair
Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux
46 Av. Felix Viallet
F-38031 GRENOBLE Cedex
e-mail: MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr



=Jeanny Herault
General Chair
Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux
46 Av. Felix Viallet
F-38031 GRENOBLE Cedex
e-mail: MicroNeuro2K.GenChair at lis-viallet.inpg.fr


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