Postdoc in Computational CogNeuro
Randall C. O'Reilly
oreilly at
Thu Feb 3 00:15:48 EST 2000
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Colorado Boulder
Postdoctoral Position
A postdoctoral position is available starting immediately for someone
interested in pursuing neuroscience-based computational modeling
approaches to cognition. The nature of the position is somewhat
flexible, depending upon the individual's interest and expertise, with
the following topics being of specific interest:
* Models in cognitive domains where traditional approaches, and recent
neural network models, have relied on structured representations.
The approach is to use powerful learning mechanisms to develop
systematic, distributed representations at multiple levels of
abstraction, and test for the ability of these representations to
behave in a systematic, structured manner. Cognitive domains of
interest are spatial relationships, mental models of causal domains,
and language comprehension.
* Models of the basal ganglia/prefrontal cortex activation-based
memory system, with the idea that the prefrontal cortex is
specialized for maintaining information in an active state, while
the basal ganglia are important for initiating the updating of these
active representations. Reinforcement-based learning mechanisms are
thought to be important for this system.
* Models of the specialized roles of the hippocampus and neocortex in
learning and memory.
The primary requirement for the position is a Ph.D. in the cognitive,
computational, or neurosciences, and extensive experience with
computational modeling work, either at the PDP/connectionist or
detailed biophysical level. The position will be supervised by
Dr. Randall O'Reilly at the Department of Psychology and Institute for
Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder. For more
information about the research, the computational cognitive
neuroscience lab, and other associated faculty, see and associated links.
Interested individuals should send a curriculum vitae, representative
publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of
reference via email to oreilly at or via snail mail to
Randall O'Reilly, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado
Boulder, Campus Box 345, Boulder, CO 80309-0345. Applications will be
reviewed as they are received, continuing until the position is
filled. The University of Colorado is an equal opportunity employer;
minorities and women are encouraged to apply.
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