ICONIP2001 at fudan.edu.cn
Thu Dec 21 20:35:01 EST 2000
Dear Colleague,
The attached is the First Announcement and Call for Paper for the
8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2001
(ICONIP 2001) Which will be held in Shanghai, China next November.
We are expecting your actively contributing.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Sincerely yours
Fanji Gu, Prof.
Chairman of Organization Committee, ICONIP 2001
First Announcement and Call for Paper for ICONIP2001
The 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing
(ICONIP2001), the annual conference sponsored by Asia-Pacific Neural
Network Assembly (APNNA), IEEE Beijing Section, IEEE NN Council, INNS
and China Neural Network Council (CNNC), will be held in Shanghai,
China, from November 14 to 18, 2001. The local organizer is Brain
Science Research Center, Fudan University, co- organized by Shanghai
Biophysics Society. The theme of the conference, Neural Information
Processing, is broad enough to promote wide interactions among
researchers in many academic disciplines. The conference will consist
of 3 and a half day oral and poster presentation, and a half-day
tour. Six leading scientists in this field was invited to give keynote
lectures at the conference. They are: S. Amari (Japan), W. J. Freeman
(USA), E. Oja (Finland), H. Szu (USA), L. Xu (Hong Kong, China) and X.
Yang (China).
In addition to mathematical and engineering approaches we also include
brain science and cognitive science in the main stream. The conference
topics include but are not limited to:
1 Brain and Cognitive Science
1.1 Dynamic brain
1.2 Data representation and neural coding
1.3 Learning and memory
1.4 Brain imaging in cognition and behavior
1.5 Perception, emotion, and cognition
1.6 Selective attention
1.7 Vision and auditory models
1.8 Consciousness
2 Models and Algorithms
2.1 Spiking Neuron
2.2 Learning algorithms
2.3 Neural network architectures
2.4 Neurodynamics & chaotic networks
2.5 Statistical neural network models
3 Hybrid Systems
3.1 Evolutionary neural systems
3.2 Fuzzy neural systems
3.3 Soft computing
3.4 Symbolic-neural hybrid systems
4. Hardware Implementation
4.1 Analog, digital, optical & hybrid neuro-systems
4.2 Artificial retina & cochlear chips
4.3 DSP & software implementation
5 Application
5.1 Computer vision
5.2 image processing
5.3 Data mining
5.4 Expert system
5.5 Finance & electronic commerce
5.6 Human-computer interaction
5.7 Intelligent control
5.8 Natural language processing
5.9 Pattern recognition
5.10 Robotics
5.11 Sensorimotor systems
5.12 Signal processing
5.13 Speech recognization
5.14 Time series prediction
5.15 Knowledge & Rule extraction
6 Others
The list of the organizing committee of the conference is as follows:
Honorary Chairs
S.Amari, RIKEN, Japan
C.Gu, Fudan Univ., China
Conference Chairs
K.Fukushima, Univ. of Electro-Com, Japan
Y.Wu, Tsinghua Univ., China
Steering Committee Chairs
T. Shou, Fudan Univ. China
Y. Zhong, China Post & Telecommunication Univ., China
International Advisory Committee Chairs:
Z. He, South-Eastern Univ., China
N. Kasabov, Univ. Of Otago, New Zealand
Program Committee Chairs
A. Guo, Institute of Neuroscience, China
M. Tsukada, Tamagawa University, Japan
L. Zhang, Fudan Univ., China
Organization Committee Chairs
F. Gu, Fudan Univ., China
M. Zhou, CNNC, China
Finance Chair
Y. Shi, Fudan Univ., China
The registration fee is US$420 for regular participants before the
deadline, including hard copies of the proceedings, reception, one
evening entertainment, free lunch, banquette, and one half-day's city
tour. The registration fee for students is US$230 before the deadline,
including hard copies of the proceedings, reception, one evening
entertainment, free lunch. Students should pay US$70 for participating
in banquette, and one half-day's city tour.
Important deadlines
May 1, 2001 Paper submission
June 30, 2001 Acceptance notification
July 31, 2001 Camera-ready manuscripts
Sept. 30, 2001 Advanced registration
Shanghai is the biggest city in China, and a harmonic mixture of the
traditional and the modern, the east and the west. Shanghai has
completely changed in the last decade.
After the conference, a satellite workshop C China C Japan C Korea
joint workshop on Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics co-sponsored by
School of Life Sciences & Brain Science Research Center, Fudan
Univ. China; Zhejiang Univ. China; BSI RIKEN, Japan and Brain Science
Research Center, KAIST, Korea, will be held in Hangzhou, China, a
beautiful resort city, from Nov. 20 C22. The organizers will be S.
Amari (Japan), F. Gu (China), S. Lee (Korea) and Q. Tong (China). The
total participants are limited to fifty, Scientists from the other
countries are also welcome to participate in the workshop as
Another satellite workshop "Nonlinear signal Processing and Neural
computing science" held in Nanjing, a historical resort in China,
after the conference is also in organizing. The organizer is
Prof. Zhenya He from South East University, China.
Anyone who are interested in participating in ICONIP2001, or any of
its satellite workshops, please contact the person with the following
address, so that he can put your name and address into his mailing
address and give you further information in time:
Fanji Gu, Prof.
Chairperson of the Organization Committee of ICONIP2001
Organizer of China C Japan C Korea joint workshop on Neurobiology and
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
Fudan University
Shanghai 200433
P. R. China
Tel: +86-21-65642813 (O) +86-21-65298260 (H)
Fax: +86-21-65298260
E-mail: ICONIP2001 at fudan.edu.cn
For more details, please use the following Web address:
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