Jobs for PhD-Stud. and Postdocs in Berlin
Laurenz Wiskott
wiskott at
Tue Aug 1 03:59:21 EDT 2000
Dear Connectionists, could you please forward this job advertisement to
students and postdocs who might be interested. Thanks, Laurenz Wiskott.
Open Positions for
PhD-Students and Postdocs in
Neuroinformatics at the
Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie, Berlin
Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie
Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin
Invalidenstrae 43 D-10115 Berlin, Germany
The Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie is a young and dynamic lab
with three full professors and about 30 students and researchers doing
interdisciplinary and innovative research in different areas of
theoretical biology, such as Molecular and Cellular Evolution
(Prof. Hanspeter Herzel), Evolution of Organismic Systems (Prof. Peter
Hammerstein), Computational Neurobiology (Prof. Andreas V.M. Herz), and
Neuroinformatics (Dr. Laurenz Wiskott).
Research group:
The positions are available in the junior research group led by
Dr. Laurenz Wiskott and funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
Research topics:
Learning Invariances from Sensory Data: Biological Principles and
Technical Applications. The central issue addressed by the junior
research group is the question of how invariant object perception can be
achieved and learned in sensory systems, especially in the primate
visual system. Extensive computer simulations and analytical
considerations shall demonstrate that invariances can be learned based
on visual experience. On the biological side, the existing learning
rules have to be transferred to models of spiking neuron. On the
technical side the existing system shall be extended to the processing
of video sequences and technical data.
The positions will be available beginning November 2000. The initial
appointment will be for 1 year with a possible extension by additional 2
to 4 years. Postdocs may also apply for part-time employment.
Candidates should have a degree in physics, electrical engineering,
computer science, biology, or a related field. Required are strong
mathematical and programming skills, as well as the ability to
communicate and work well in a team.
Salary will be up to BAT IIa and will depend on qualification,
experience, age, and family status. BAT is the regular salary scale for
public employees in Germany.
Informal inquiries can be addressed to Dr. Laurenz Wiskott
(wiskott at
Applications, including a detailed CV, a statement of research
interests, and the names and addresses of two professional referees,
should be sent to Dr. Laurenz Wiskott at the address given above. Please
send only copies and not original documents, since the applications will
not be sent back. Applications via e-mail, possibly including a
reference to a well maintained web-page, are equally acceptable.
None. Applications will be accepted until the positions have been
filled, as will be indicated on the web-page of this job advertisement;
see below.
Could you please indicate in your application where you first read about
this job advertisement.
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