Post-Doc Position: Computational Neuroscience of Language
James A. Reggia
reggia at
Fri Apr 28 13:13:32 EDT 2000
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Computational Neuroscience of Language
A post-doctoral fellowship position is available in the area of
computational modeling of the neurobiological basis of language.
The fellowship can begin summer/fall of 2000, and is jointly
at the Neurology Dept. (Baltimore campus) and Computer Science
Dept. (near Washington DC) of the University of Maryland.
Research in this position could focus on any topic related to
normal or impaired language, although we have special interest in
areas such as cerebral specialization, reading disorders, origins
of language, aphasia recovery following stroke, and functional
imaging correlates of language. Applicants are expected to have
a recent PhD in either a biological/cognitive/linguistic discipline
or a computational discipline (e.g., computer science, applied
mathematics, physics, engineering). US citizenship is required.
For full consideration, applications should be received by May 26,
2000. To apply, send two copies (*hard copies only*) of a CV and
research interest statement, how to contact you by mail/fax/email/phone,
and the names and contact information of two references to: James A.
Reggia, Dept. of Computer Science, A. V. Williams Bldg., University of
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA. Questions may be directed to
reggia at
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