Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Self-Organazing Multi-Agent Systems (UK)
Robert E. Smith
robert.smith at
Wed Apr 26 11:21:09 EDT 2000
Sent to: connectionists at MAILBOX.SRV.CS.CMU.EDU
Self-organisation in Multi-agent Systems (SOMAS)
Date: July 27-28, 2000
Milton Keynes, UK
A Workshop organised by the Emergent Computing Network
Call for Contributors
1 Introduction
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are collections of interacting autonomous
entities. The behaviour of the MAS is a result of the repeated asynchronous
action and interaction of the agents. Understanding how to engineer
self-organisation is thus central to the application of agents on a large
scale. Multi-agent simulations can also be used to study emergent behaviour
in real systems.
Interest in large-scale systems of agents is growing, as is illustrated by
the recent Framework Five (Future and Emergent Technologies) action on the
so-called Universal Information Ecosystem. Advances in telecommunications
and the spread of the Internet, electronic commerce, etc. mean that
information infrastructure operates as a global dynamic system. As time
passes, the density and diversity of interconnections in such system will
increase rapidly. Moreover, such systems are being required to service the
needs of a diverse set of users (whatever their distinctive needs), not just
a virtual 'representative' user. Thus, such systems must adapt to personal
requirements, by providing highly customised packages of services.
Simultaneously providing highly diverse services to a huge user population
in an enormous, interconnected system is a task beyond centralised
management techniques.
The only way to manage this form of agent-based system is to utilise its
emergent properties to make it self-organising and self-regulating.
Desirable self-organisation is observed in many biological, social and
physical systems. However, fostering these conditions in artificial systems
proves to be difficult and offers the potential for undesirable behaviours
to emerge. Thus, it is vital to be able to understand and shape emergent
behaviours in agent based systems. Current mathematical and empirical tools
give only a partial insight into emergent behaviour in large, agent-based
The goal of this workshop is to open a dialog among practitioners from
diverse fields, including: agent based systems, complex systems, AI,
optimisation theory and non-linear systems, neural networks, evolutionary
computation, neuro-biology, and computer science The workshop will focus on
localised means of measuring, understanding, and shaping emergent behaviour
in large scale distributed systems. The workshop represents an important
opportunity for those active or interested in emergent behaviour research,
to hear about current work, discuss future directions and priorities, and
form invaluable research contacts.
2 Venue and Format
The Workshop will commence on July, 27th and will take place over 2 days at
the BT Conference Facility in Milton Keynes, UK. Since the primary goal of
this workshop is to provide time for communication between presenters and
attendees ample opportunity will be provided for structured discussion.
A detailed programme will be issued by June, 2000.
3 Invited Speakers
We have a promising list of invited speakers to address the workshop's theme
from a variety of perspectives. Names will be announced as they are
4 Call for Contribution
You are invited to contribute to this workshop. Your 250-300 word abstract
should include title, authors, affiliations, keywords, source of external
support (if any) and the body of the abstract should stress the relevance of
your work to the workshop topic.
All accepted talks will be allocated 20-25 minutes. Speakers will be asked
to provide copies of their overheads for inclusion in the Workshop
information pack.
Selected contributions from this workshop and others in the series will be
published by Springer-Verlag as a highlighted volume of their "Lecture Notes
in Computer Science" series. Detailed submission instructions for this
series publication will be issued later.
5 Registration
Details of workshop registration are forthcoming. Please contact one of the
organizers, listed below.
6 General Enquiries
To obtain submission or registration instructions, or to make any general
questions relating to this Workshop, please contact one of the organizers:
Paul Kearney
BT Labs, Adastral Park
Phone: 01473 605544
Email: paul.3.kearney at
Robert Smith
The Intelligent Computer Systems Centre
The University of The West of England
Phone: 0117 942 1495
Email: robert.smith at
Andy Wright
BAe Sowerby Research
(currently a Visiting Fellow at Bristol University)
Phone: 0117 95 46883
Email: Andy.Wright at
7 Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 21st, 2000
Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: June 30, 2000.
Workshop Dates: July 27th-28th, 2000
8 Emergent Computing Workshop Series
This is the 6th workshop being organised by the `Emergent Computing'
network, to bring together multi-disciplinary ideas from complex systems,
AI, optimisation theory and non-linear systems, neural networks,
neuro-biology and computer science.
The workshops are:
1. Self-Organising Systems at the University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, UK
2. Spatially Distributed Nonlinear Systems at the University of Leeds, UK
(December 1999)
3. Associative Computing at the University of York, UK (February 2000)
4. Emergent Computation in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University
of Hertfordshire, UK (April 2000)
5. Strategies for Implementing Large Scale Emergent Computing Systems at the
University of Wales, Cardiff, UK (June 2000)
6. Self-organisation in Multi-agent Systems (SOMAS) at The BT Conference
Centre, Milton Keynes, UK (July 27-28, 2000).
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