Special Issue on "Model Selection" in Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Richard M Golden
golden at utdallas.edu
Thu Apr 20 17:19:24 EDT 2000
I would like to call people's attention to the special issue on
"model selection" in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology which
just came out. Here is the table of contents.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Vol. 44, March 2000
"Accuracy, Scope, and Flexibility of Models" James E. Cutting
"How to Assess a Model's Testablity and Identifiability" Bamber and van
"An Introduction to Model Selection" Walter Zucchini
"Akaike's Information Criterion and Recent Developments in Information
Complexity" Hamparsum Bozdogan
"Bayesian Model Selection and Model Averaging" Larry Wasserman
"Cross-Validation Methods" P. Grunwald
"Statistical Tests for Comparing Possibly Misspecified and Nonnested
Models" Richard Golden
"Model Comparisons and Model Selections based on Generalization Criterion
Methodology" Jerome Busemeyer and Yi-Min Wang
"The Importance of Complexity in Model Selection" In Jae Myung
"Key Concepts in Model Selection: Performance and
Generalizability" Malcolm Forster
Richard M. Golden, Associate Professor Cognitive Science & Engineering
The University of Texas at Dallas, Box 830688
Richardson, Texas 75083-0688, PHONE: (972) 883-2423
EMAIL: golden at utdallas.edu, WEB: http://www.utdallas.edu/~golden/index.html
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