On web: Clustering Belief Functions (Dempster-Shafer Theory)

Johan Schubert schubert at sto.foa.se
Thu Sep 30 03:27:15 EDT 1999

        Clustering Belief Functions (Dempster-Shafer Theory)

My papers on clustering belief functions, etc., are now available on the web
with URL:



Schubert, J., Simultaneous Dempster-Shafer clustering and gradual determination
of number of clusters using a neural network structure. In Proceedings of the
1999 Information, Decision and Control Conference (IDC'99), Adelaide,
Australia, 8-10 February 1999. IEEE, Piscataway, 1999, pp. 401-406.

Schubert, J., A neural network and iterative optimization hybrid for
Dempster-Shafer clustering. In Proceedings of EuroFusion98 International
Conference on Data Fusion (EF'98), M. Bedworth, J. O'Brien (Eds.), Great
Malvern, UK, 6-7 October 1998, pp. 29-36.

Schubert, J., Fast Dempster-Shafer clustering using a neural network structure.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU'98),
Université de La Sorbonne, Paris, France, 6-10 July 1998. Editions EDK, Paris,
1998, pp. 1438-1445.

Bergsten, U., Schubert, J. and Svensson, P., Applying Data Mining and Machine
Learning Techniques to Submarine Intelligence Analysis. In Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'97),
D. Heckerman, H. Mannila, D. Pregibon, R. Uthurusamy (Eds.), Newport Beach,
USA, 14-17 August 1997. The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, pp. 127-130.

Schubert, J., Creating Prototypes for Fast Classification in Dempster-Shafer
Clustering. In Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning, D. M. Gabbay,
R. Kruse, A. Nonnengart, H. J. Ohlbach (Eds.), Proceedings of the First
International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical
Reasoning (ECSQARU-FAPR'97), Bad Honnef, Germany, 9-12 June 1997.
Springer-Verlag (LNAI 1244), Berlin, 1997, pp. 525-535.

Schubert, J., Specifying nonspecific evidence. International Journal of
Intelligent Systems 11(8), 525-563, 1996.

Schubert, J., On Rho in a Decision-Theoretic Apparatus of Dempster-Shafer
Theory. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 13(3), 185-200, 1995.
(FOA-B--95-00097-3.4--SE, Defence Research Establishment, 1995)

Schubert, J., Cluster-based Specification Techniques in Dempster-Shafer Theory
for an Evidential Intelligence Analysis of MultipleTarget Tracks (Thesis
Abstract). AI Communications 8(2) (1995) 107-110.

Schubert, J., Cluster-based Specification Techniques in Dempster-Shafer Theory.
In Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, C.
Froidevaux and J. Kohlas (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU'95),
Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, 3-5 July 1995. Springer-Verlag (LNAI 946),
Berlin, 1995, pp. 395-404.

Schubert, J., Finding a Posterior Domain Probability Distribution by Specifying
Nonspecific Evidence. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and
Knowledge-Based Systems 3(2) (1995) 163-185.

Schubert, J., Cluster-based Specification Techniques in Dempster-Shafer Theory
for an Evidential Intelligence Analysis of Multiple Target Tracks, Ph.D.
TRITA-NA-9410, ISRN KTH/NA/R--94/10--SE, ISSN 0348-2952, ISBN 91-7170-801-4.
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 1994.

Bergsten, U. and Schubert, J., Dempster's Rule for Evidence Ordered in a
Complete Directed Acyclic Graph. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
9(1) (1993) 37-73.

Schubert, J., On Nonspecific Evidence. International Journal of Intelligent
Systems 8(6) (1993) 711-725.

All papers are available as postscript files, most are also available as pdf
files [except for my 1994 Ph.D. thesis which is only available in hard copy by
post upon request (no charge): schubert at sto.foa.se].


Johan Schubert
Department of Data and Information Fusion
Defence Research Establishment, Sweden
E-mail: schubert at sto.foa.se

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