Paper announcement: Conn Speech Perception

Athanassios Protopapas protopap at
Tue Sep 14 14:36:20 EDT 1999

Dear colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention my recent review paper titled
"connectionist modeling of speech perception" published in Psychological
Bulletin 125(4):410-436.  You may find it interesting and perhaps useful
for a graduate level course as it attempts to bring together the
connectionist and speech literature requiring no substantial prior
understanding in either one beyong a general psychology background.

If you do not have access to a personal or library subscription to
Psychological Bulletin you may contact me for a photocopy of the article.

The abstract is:

Connectionist models of perception and cognition, including the
process of deducing meaningful messages from patterns of acoustic
waves emitted by vocal tracts, are developed and refined as our
understanding of brain function, psychological processes, and the
properties of massively parallel architectures advances.  In the
present article, several important contributions from diverse points
of view in the area of connectionist modeling of speech perception are
presented and their relative merits discussed with respect to specific
theoretical issues and empirical findings.  TRACE, the Elman/Norris
net, and Adaptive Resonance Theory constitute pivotal points
exemplifying overall modeling success, progress in temporal
representation, and plausible modeling of learning, respectively.
Other modeling efforts are presented for the specific insights they
offer and the article concludes with a discussion of computational
versus dynamic modeling of phonological processes.

Your comments will also be greatly appreciated.

Thanassi Protopapas

Athanassios Protopapas, PhD         Department of Educational Technology
 Phone: +30 1 680 0959      Institute for Language and Speech Processing
   Fax: +30 1 685 4270                  Epidavrou & Artemidos 6, Marousi
e-mail: protopap at                       GR-151 25  ATHENS, Greece

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