Postdocs/PhDs in Multimodal Biometrics and Multimedia Retrieval
Juergen Luettin
luettin at
Tue Oct 26 12:50:23 EDT 1999
IDIAP, Switzerland
Applications are invited for several Post-Doctoral positions and PhD
research studentships in the Computer Vision Group at IDIAP to work
in one of the following research areas (with possible research topics):
Video Indexing/Retrieval
- adaptation of video content analysis methods
- combination and integration of audio, video, and text information
- high level video structure modelling
- video abstraction/summary generation, browsing, GUI, MPEG7
Audio Indexing/Retrieval
- adaptation of speech recognition systems to video (acoustic
models, lexicon, language models, topic)
- audio segmentation (speech, music, audio events)
- speaker change detection
- document indexing and retrieval, MPEG7
Text Segmentation and Recognition in Videos
- detection, segmentation and recognition of text embedded in video
- investigation of image properties (texture, colour, shape)
- use of temporal information
- integration of detection/segmentation algorithms with text recognition
Face Analysis
- face detection (in complex backgrounds, under variant pose, occlusion)
- face recognition (identification/verification, robustness issues,
confidence estimation, evidence integration)
Speaker Verification
- client model adaptation
- decision strategy
- robustness to microphone/channel characteristics
- discriminant analysis
Classifier Combination
- classifier confidence estimation
- classifier combination techniques
- evidence integration
- application to multimodal biometrics, video retrieval
The successful candidates will participate in the following important
and highly competitive European and national projects:
o BANCA: Biometric Access Control for Networked and e-Commerce
EU project, lead by Matra Nortel Communication
o ASSAVID: Automatic Segmentation and Semantic Annotation of Sports
EU project, lead by Sony UK
o VOCR: Text Segmentation and Recognition for Video Retrieval
Swiss National Science Foundation project
Several tasks will be performed in close collaboration with other
project partners including universities, industries, and end-users.
Postdoctoral candidates should possess a relevant PhD degree and
doctoral students an M.S. degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science
or a related area and should have a strong background in mathematics,
signal processing, and pattern recognition.
IDIAP is a semi-private research institute, that conducts basic and
applied research in artificial intelligence. The main research
activities are in machine learning, speech processing, and computer
vision. Research in the rapidly growing computer vision group focuses
on topics in multimedia processing including multimodal biometrics,
multimodal speech recognition, and document analysis and recognition
(See http://www.idiap/vision). Doctoral students at IDIAP are usually
registered at a Swiss university or Federal Institute of Technology,
often EPFL, that awards the PhD degree.
IDIAP is located in the town of Martigny in Valais, a scenic region in
the south of Switzerland, surrounded by some of the highest mountains
in Europe which offer some of the best skiing, hiking, and climbing.
It is within close proximity to Lausanne, and lake Geneva, and centrally
located for travel to other parts of Europe.
Prospective candidates should send a detailed CV, including 2 names
and addresses of referees, research interest, and earliest possible
starting date, preferably by email to
Dr. Juergen Luettin
Head, Computer Vision Group
IDIAP, CP 592, 1920 Martigny, Switzerland
Email: Luettin at
Tel: +41 27 721 77 27
Fax: +41 27 721 77 12
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