faculty position in neural computation

Bhaskar DasGupta bhaskar at crab.rutgers.edu
Mon Oct 25 15:40:43 EDT 1999

Fellow Connectionists,

Below is a faculty opening announcement in our department 
that would be relevant to the neural network and the learning theory 
community. It will also appear (sometime in future) 
in CACM, IEEE Computer, and the Computing Research News. 
Please feel free to pass it to any other interested party.

My apologies if you received this multiple times or if this announcement
was not relevant to you.

Best regards,

Bhaskar DasGupta
Bhaskar DasGupta
Department of Computer Science       Email: bhaskar at crab.rutgers.edu
319 Business & Science Building      Phone: 856-225-6439 (office, in Rutgers)
3rd & Penn Street                           732-445-4580 (office, in DIMACS)
Rutgers University                   Fax: 856-225-6624 (office)
Camden, NJ 08102-1656, USA           URL:http://crab.rutgers.edu/~bhaskar


		 Rutgers University - Camden
		Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science at Rutgers University - 
Camden invites applications for two tenure-track positions
at the assistant professor level beginning September 2000. 
Candidates in all areas of computer science are encouraged
to apply, particularly those with research interests in 
graphics and visualization, computational geometry, artificial
neural networks, machine learning, networking, distributed and
mobile computing, and parallel computing. A Ph.D. in Computer 
Science is required. Salary is contingent upon qualifications. 
Rutgers University stands in the top 5% of AAUP rankings of 
university salary and benefits.

Applicants should send a curriculum vita, statement of research,
statement of teaching interests/experience, and three letters 
of reference to: 

  	       Chair, Faculty Search Committee
	        Department of Computer Science
		     Rutgers University
		      Camden, NJ 08102

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue
until the positions are filled. Rutgers University is an Equal 
Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. 

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