call for participation - NIPS99

Lee Giles giles at
Wed Oct 20 19:29:34 EDT 1999

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -- NIPS*99


         Neural Information Processing Systems -- Natural and Synthetic
                  Monday November 29 - Saturday December 4, 1999
                              Denver, Colorado

This is the thirteenth meeting of an interdisciplinary conference which brings
together cognitive scientists, computer scientists, engineers, neuroscientists,
physicists, and mathematicians interested in all aspects of neural processing
and computation.  The conference will include invited talks as well as oral and
poster presentations of refereed papers.  The conference is single track and is
highly selective.  Preceding the main session, there will be one day of tutorial
presentations (November 29), and following it, there will be two days of focused
workshops on topical issues at a Breckenridge (December 3-4). Major categories 
of accepted papers include the following topics:

Algorithms and Architectures: supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms,
model selection algorithms, active learning algorithms, feedforward and
recurrent network architectures, localized basis functions, mixture models,
belief networks, graphical models, Gaussian processes, factor analysis,
topographic maps, combinatorial optimization, hybrid symbolic-subsymbolic

Applications: handwriting recognition, sequence analysis, expert systems,
fault diagnosis, medical diagnosis, analysis of medical images, data analysis,
database mining, information retrieval, network traffic, music processing,
time-series prediction, financial analysis.

Cognitive Science/Artificial Intelligence: perception and psychophysics,
neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, development, conditioning, human
learning and memory, attention, language, natural language, reasoning, spatial
cognition, emotional cognition, conceptual representation, neurophilosophy,
problem solving and planning.

Implementations: analog and digital VLSI, optical neurocomputing systems, novel
neurodevices, computational sensors and actuators, simulation tools.

Neuroscience: neural encoding, spiking neurons, synchronicity, sensory
processing, systems neurophysiology, neuronal development, synaptic plasticity,
neuromodulation, dendritic computation, channel dynamics, experimental data
relevant to computational issues.

Reinforcement Learning and Control: exploration, planning, navigation,
Q-learning, TD-learning, state estimation, dynamic programming, robotic motor
control, process control, Markov decision processes.

Speech and Signal Processing: speech recognition, speech coding, speech
synthesis, auditory scene analysis, source separation, applications of hidden
Markov models to signal processing, models of human speech perception, auditory
modeling and psychoacoustics.

Theory: computational learning theory, statistical physics of learning,
information theory, prediction and generalization, regularization, Boltzmann
machines, Helmholtz machines, decision trees, support vector machines, online
learning, dynamics of learning algorithms, approximation and estimation theory,
learning of dynamical systems, complexity theory.

Visual Processing: image processing, image coding, object recognition, visual
psychophysics, stereopsis, motion detection and tracking.

For general inquiries or requests for registration material

   E-mail: nipsinfo at  or Fax: (619) 587-0417

Information can also be found on the NIPS web page.

NIPS*99 Organizing Committee: General Chair, Sara Solla, Northwestern
University; Program Chair, Todd Leen, Oregon Graduate Institute; Publications
Chair, Klaus Mueller, GMD First; Tutorial Chair, Joachim Buhmann, University
of Bonn; Workshops Co-Chairs, Sue Becker, McMaster University, and Rich Caruana,
Carnegie Mellon University; Publicity Chair, Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute;
Local Arrangements, Arun Jagota, University of California at Santa Cruz;
Treasurer, Bartlett Mel, University of Southern California; Web Master, Doug
Baker, Carnegie Mellon University; Government Liaison, Gary Blasdel, Harvard
Medical School; Contracts, Steve Hanson, Rutgers University, and Gerry Tesauro,

NIPS*99 Program Committee: Leon Bottou, AT&T Labs - Research; Gary Cottrell,
University of California San Diego; Zoubin Ghahramani, University College
London; Tommi Jaakkola, MIT; John Lazzaro, University of California Berkeley;
Todd Leen, Oregon Graduate Institute (chair); John Moody, Oregon Graduate
Institute; Barak Pearlmutter, University of New Mexico; Alexandre Pouget,
University of Rochester; David Saad, Aston University; Lawrence Saul, AT&T
Labs - Research; Sebastian Thrun, Carnegie Mellon University; Benjamin Van Roy,
Stanford University; Paul Viola, MIT.

                            - Please Post -

C. Lee Giles / Computer Science / NEC Research Institute / 
4 Independence Way / Princeton, NJ 08540, USA / 609-951-2642 / Fax 2488

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