paper: hebbian synaptic update rule for reinforcement learning
Peter Bartlett
Peter.Bartlett at
Fri Nov 26 21:17:58 EST 1999
The following paper is available at
Hebbian Synaptic Modifications in Spiking Neurons that Learn
Peter L. Bartlett and Jonathan Baxter
Australian National University
In this paper, we derive a new model of synaptic plasticity, based on
recent algorithms for reinforcement learning (in which an agent attempts
to learn appropriate actions to maximize its long-term average reward).
We show that these direct reinforcement learning algorithms also give
locally optimal performance for the problem of reinforcement learning
with multiple agents, without any explicit communication between
agents. By considering a network of spiking neurons as a collection of
agents attempting to maximize the long-term average of a reward signal,
we derive a synaptic update rule that is qualitatively similar to Hebb's
postulate. This rule requires only simple computations, such as
addition and leaky integration, and involves only quantities that are
available in the vicinity of the synapse. Furthermore, it leads to
synaptic connection strengths that give locally optimal values of the
long term average reward. The reinforcement learning paradigm is
sufficiently broad to encompass many learning problems that are solved
by the brain. We illustrate, with simulations, that the approach is
effective for simple pattern classification and motor learning tasks.
Peter Bartlett email: Peter.Bartlett at
Machine Learning Group
Computer Sciences Laboratory Phone: +61 2 6279 8681
Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
Australian National University Fax: +61 2 6279 8645
Canberra, 0200 AUSTRALIA
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