Postdoc and PhD Positions, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

Zoubin Ghahramani Zoubin at
Tue Nov 23 07:17:59 EST 1999

                Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
                      Director: Geoffrey Hinton


               Post-doctoral and PhD Research Positions
                      Computational Neuroscience

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit invites applications for
PhD studentships and post-doctoral research positions tenable from
September 2000.

Members of the unit are interested in models of all aspects of brain
function, especially unsupervised learning, computational vision,
reinforcement learning, and computational motor control, and also
conduct psychophysical experiments in motor control and vision.
Current researchers at the unit include 12 PhD students and the
following faculty and postdocs:

         Faculty:                       Post-doctoral Fellows:

         Geoff Hinton                   Hagai Attias                           
         Peter Dayan                    Sam Roweis                             
         Zoubin Ghahramani              Maneesh Sahani                         
         Zhaoping Li                    Emo Todorov                            
                                        Carl van Vreeswijk                     

For further details please see:

The Gatsby Unit provides a unique opportunity for a critical mass of
theoreticians to interact closely with each other and with University
College's other world class research groups including Anatomy,
Computer Science, Functional Imaging Laboratory, Physics, Physiology,
Psychology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, and Statistics.  The unit has
excellent computational facilities, and laboratory facilities include
both motor and visual psychophysics labs for theoretically motivated
experimental studies.  The unit's visitor and seminar programmes
enable its staff and students to interact with leading researchers
from across the world.

Candidates should have a strong analytical background and a keen
interest in neuroscience. Competitive salaries and studentships are

Applicants should send a CV [PhD applicants should include details of
course work and grades], a statement of research interests, and names
and addresses of 3 referees to janice at [email
preferred] or to

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
University College London
Alexandra House
17 Queen Square

         ** Closing date for applications: 31 January 2000 **

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