ESANN'2000 - special session - NN Applications in Medicine
villmann at
Thu Nov 18 03:18:58 EST 1999
Dear colleages,
I want to announce and to invite to submit contributions to the
special session
"Neural Networks Applications in Medicine"
organized by Thomas Villmann (Ujniversity Leipzig, Germany) and
to be held on the
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| ESANN'2000 |
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| 8th European Symposium |
| on Artificial Neural Networks |
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| Bruges (Belgium) - April 26-27-28, 2000 |
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| Announcement and call for papers |
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| Deadline: 10 December 1999 |
Artificial neural networks can be taken as a special kind of learning
and self-adapting data processing systems. The abilities to handle
noisy and high-dimensional data, nonlinear
problems, large data sets etc. using neural techniques have lead to
an innumerous number of applications. A important area of
applications is the medical research and data analysis. Thereby,
we have to distinguish at least two main directions: the first one is
the description of neural processes in brains by neural network
models. The other one is the field of data analysis and related
topics. The announced special session should be lightening the
second item. The applications of neural networks for data
processing in medicine open a wide cover of possible tasks. This
leads to further developments also in the theory of neural networks.
The applications include several techniques ranging from image
processing, (non-linear) principle component analysis and
dimension reduction, processing of noisy and/or incomplete data,
time serie prediction, feature extraction and classification problems
to the processing of non-metric data, i.e. categorial or ordinal data.
The recent proposed approach of Blind Source Separation using
neural networks also gives a possibility to solve the in medicine
often occuring problem of data decorrelation. Neural network
approaches as robust tools play in increasing role in real world
application in medicine. In the proposed special session we want
give examples of applications of neural networks in medicine which
have lead to new developments in the neural network development.
Thereby we focus on applications combining original ideas and new
aspcets in neural network approaches with a real world task.
Authors are invited to submit contributions which can be in any
area of medical research and applications as there are for example
the following (but not restricted)
1.) image processing (NMR-spectroscopy, radiology, ...)
2.) time series prediction (EEG analysis, cardiology, sleep
detection, ...)
3.) pattern classification
4.) clustering, fuzzy clustering
5.) Blind Source Separation and Decorralation
6.) dimension and noise reduction
7.) evaluation of non-metric data (categorial/ ordinal data)
It should be emphasized that, in agreement with the scope of the
ESANN, a strong theoretical background and new aspects of
neural networks development are required for an acceptation of
Prospective authors are invited to submit
- six original copies of their manuscript (including at least two
originals or very good copies without glued material, which will be used
for the proceedings)
- one signed copy of the author submission form before December 10, 1999.
Authors are invited to join a floppy disk or CD with their contribution
in (generic) PostScript or PDF format. Sorry, electronic or fax submissions
are not accepted.
Working language of the conference (including proceedings) is English.
The instructions to authors, together with the author submission form,
are available on the ESANN Web server:
A printed version of these documents is also available through the
conference secretariat (please use email if possible). Authors are
invited to follow the instructions to authors. A LaTeX style file is
also available on the Web.
Authors must indicate their choice for oral or poster presentation on
the author submission form. They must also sign a written agreement
that they will register to the conference and present the paper in
case of acceptation of their submission. Authors of accepted papers
will have to register before February 28, 2000. They will benefit
from the advance registration fee.
Submissions must be sent to:
Michel Verleysen
3, place du Levant
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
esann at
All submissions will be acknowledged by fax or email before December
23, 1999.
Submission of papers December 10, 1999
Notification of acceptance January 31, 2000
Symposium April 26-27-28, 2000
Registration fees
registration before registration after
March 17, 2000 March 17, 2000
Universities BEF 16000 BEF 17000
Industries BEF 20000 BEF 21000
The registration fee include the attendance to all sessions, the
lunches during the three days of the conference, the coffee breaks
twice a day, the conference dinner, and the proceedings.
Dr. Thomas Villmann
University Leipzig - Clinic for Psychotherapy
Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 25
04109 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)341 9718868 Fax : +49 (0)341 2131257
email: villmann at
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