Ph.D program in AI and connectionist models
Ron Sun
rsun at
Thu Nov 11 16:27:48 EST 1999
The Ph.D program in CECS at University of Missouri-Columbia is
accepting applications. Graduate assistantships and other forms of
financial support for graduate students are available. Prospective
graduate students interested in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science,
Connectionist Models (Neural Networks), Multi-Agent Systems,
and other related areas are especially encouraged to apply.
Students with Master's degrees are preferred.
The department has identified graduate education and research as its primary
missions. The department is conducting quality research in a number of areas:
artificial intelligence, cognitive sceince, machine learning, multi-agent
systems, neural networks and connectionist models, computer graphics and
scientific visualization, computer vision, digital libraries, fuzzy logic,
multimedia systems, parallel and distributed computing, and Web computing.
To download application forms, use
or (for international students)
The CECS Department awards degrees at the Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D's
levels. The program is accredited by CSAB and ABET.
The CECS Department has a variety of computing equipment and laboratories
available for instruction and research. These facilities are currently being
enhanced, in conjunction with computing laboratories maintained
by the college and by the campus. The computing facilities offer students
a wealth of opportunity to access and utilize a wide range of equipment
best suited for their research needs. All of the
equipment is connected to departmental, college, campus, and global
networks which provides ready access to the exploding world of information
and computational resources.
A wealth of library resources are available through the extensive collections
of books and journals housed in the Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
libraries as well as collections in the Main Library and Health Sciences
Libraries at MU.
The University of Missouri is a Research I university
enrolling some 22,000 students.
The University offers programs in many areas, ranging from
sciences and engineering to psychology, neuroscience, education,
biology, medicine, law, agriculture, and journalism.
For more information, send e-mail to:
cecsdgs at
See the Web pages below:
Prof. Ron Sun
CECS Department
University of Missouri-Columbia fax: (573) 882 8318
201 Engineering Building West
Columbia, MO 65211-2060 email: rsun at
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