EANN2000 First Call For Papers
neep at ecowar.demon.co.uk
Thu Nov 4 12:12:03 EST 1999
First Call for Papers Sixth International Conference on Engineering
Applications of Neural Networks Kingston Upon Thames, UK 17-19 July
The conference is a forum for presenting the latest results on neural
network applications in technical fields. The applications may be in
any engineering or technical field, including but not limited to:
systems engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, process
engineering, metallurgy, pulp and paper technology, aeronautical
engineering, computer science, machine vision, chemistry, chemical
engineering, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, civil
engineering, geophysical sciences, biomedical systems, and
environmental engineering.
Prospective authors are requested to send an extended abstract for
review by the International Committee. All papers must be written in
English, starting with a succinct statement of the problem and the
application area, the results achieved, their significance and a
comparison with previous work (if any).
The following must be also be included:
Title of proposed paper,
Author names,
Name of author to contact for correspondence,
E-mail address and fax number of contact author,
Topics which best describe the paper (max. 5 keywords),
Preferred Session
Submissions must be received by February 29, 2000. It is strongly
recommended to submit extended abastracts by electronic mail to:
eann2000 at kingston.ac.uk
or else by mail (2 copies) to the following address:
Dr Dimitris Tsaptsinos,
Kingston University,
School of Mathematics,
Penhryn Road,
Kingston Upon Thames,
KT1 2EE,
Tel: +181-547 2000 extension. 2516
Fax: +181-547 7497
For information on earlier EANN conferences see the
WWW pages: http://www.abo.fi/~abulsari/EANN.html
Web Page: http://www.kingston.ac.uk/eann
Diary Dates
Submission Deadline 29 February, 2000
Notification of Acceptance 15 March, 2000
Delivery of full papers 15 April, 2000
Proposals for Tutorials 15 May, 2000
Registration fee paid by 15 April, 2000 to guarantee publication of
contribution in the proceedings
Conference Secretariat
Dr Dimitris Tsaptsinos
EANN2000 Conference Secretariat
School of Mathematics
Kingston University
Penhryn Road
Kingston Upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE
Tel: +181-5472000 extension 2516
Fax: +181-5477497
Email: eann2000 at kingston.ac.uk
Organising Committee
A. Osman (USA)
R. Baratti (Italy)
S. Draghici (USA)
W. Duch (Poland)
J. Fernandez de Canete (Spain)
C. Kuroda (Japan)
A. Ruano (Portugal)
D. Tsaptsinos (UK)
E. Tulunay (Turkey)
International Committee to be extended
L. Bobrowski Poland (leon at spam.ibib.waw.pl)
A. Bulsari Finland (abulsari at spam.abo.fi)
T. Clarkson
A. Iwata
G.Jones UK (G.Jones at kingston.ac.uk)
L. Ludwig
S. Michaelides
R. Parenti Italy(parenti at spam.ari.ansaldo.it)
R. Saatchi UK (R.Saatchi at spam.shu.ac.uk)
C. Schizas
S. Usui
P. Zufiria
please remove spam before you use an email address
Session Chair
Control systems (A. Ruano, aruano at spam.ualg.pt)
Process Engineering (R. Baratti, baratti at spam.unica.it)
Vision/Image processing (S. Draghici, sod at spam.cs.wayne.edu)
more to be announced please remove spam before you use an email address
Neep Hazarika Phone: +44 (0)118 940 4141 (work)
Econostat Limited +44 (0)118 946 1659 (home)
Hennerton House Fax: +44 (0)118 940 4099
Wargrave, Berkshire RG10 8PD, U.K. e-mail: neep at ecowar.demon.co.uk
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