Gatsby Unit Tutorial on Neural Computation
Zoubin Ghahramani
Zoubin at
Fri May 21 13:14:23 EDT 1999
Tuesday 31st August to Friday 3rd September 1999
University College London
The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College
London is holding a four-day tutorial on Neural Computation from
Tuesday 31st August to Friday 3rd September 1999.
The tutorial is aimed at research students and postdoctoral
researchers who are interested in and wish to learn more about neural
computation and computational neuroscience. The tutorial is intended
for researchers who are trying to understand how the brain computes,
but it should also be of value to researchers who are using neural
network methods for solving applied problems.
The first part of the tutorial will describe techniques for learning
and inference that have their roots in computer science, statistics,
physics, engineering and dynamical systems. The second part will
describe how these techniques have been applied to understanding
computation in the brain.
Tutorial Faculty: Geoff Hinton, Peter Dayan, Zoubin Ghahramani,
Zhaoping Li, Hagai Attias, Sam Roweis, Emo Todorov and Carl
van Vreeswijk
Registration Fee: GBP 25.00. Includes course papers and light
Further information on the tutorial contents and on-line registration
are available at:
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