David Horn
horn at
Tue Mar 30 08:40:51 EST 1999
First Announcement : NCHEP-99
Workshop on
Neural Computation in High Energy Physics 1999
Place: Maale Hachamisha, Israel
Dates: October 13 - 15, 1999.
This workshop, sponsored by the Israel Science Foundation, will be
devoted to the use of Neural Computation in High Energy
Physics. Its purpose is to review the current status of this field
and to discuss and evaluate possible future developments.
Call for Papers.
Applications of neural computation to HEP can be found in the area
of data analysis and in both on-line and off-line trigger designs.
We would like to discuss their possible involvement in the design
of intelligent detectors and the use of reconfigurable devices.
We call for papers on recent developments in all these subjects.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically until July 1st, 1999.
They should include
postal and e-mail addresses of all authors and the author to whom
correspondence should be addressed.
Submitted papers should be limited to seven pages in length. Two copies of
the submitted papers should reach the conference scientific committee by
September 1st, 1999. Mail submissions to
Prof. Halina Abramowicz, NCHEP-99, School of Physics and Astronomy,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.
e-mail: halina at
Scientific Organizing Committee
Prof. H. Abramowicz and Prof. D. Horn, Tel Aviv University.
General Information
Information about this workshop is available at the website
Registration will be handled by Dan-Knassim.
e-mail: congress at Phone:+972-3-6133340 fax:+972-3-6133341.
Workshop secretary is Michal Finkelman, e-mail:michal at
fax: +972-3-6407932.
This workshop will follow the NCST-99 conference on Neural Computation
in Science and Technology, which will take place at the same location.
That conference covers areas of both neurobiological modeling
and computational applications. Information about
NCST-99 is available at
Participants of NCHEP-99 are encouraged to make use of this opportunity and
take part also in that conference.
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