Postdoctorate Grant at Dresden University of Technology

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Sun Mar 21 05:29:43 EST 1999

The Department of Computer Science at the Dresden University of 
Technology offers a

	postdoctorate grant 

in the framework of its research programme "Specification of discrete 
processes and systems of processes by operational models and logics" 
with a duration -- for the time being -- upto the end of the year 1999.

In this research programme we consider formalisms in the area of Petri 
nets and concurrent automata, term- and graph-rewriting systems, 
knowledge representation and cognitive robotics, model theory for 
process systems and the equivalences of these formalisms.

Applicants who have finished their Ph.D. with very good marks, can send 
their curriculum vitae, photo, list of publications, and two references 
by professors to:

Dresden University of Technology
Department of Computer Science
Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Heiko Vogler
Mommsenstr. 13
D-01062 Dresden

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