ICA 2000: 1st CFP

Aapo Hyvarinen aapo at james.hut.fi
Tue Jun 29 09:24:37 EDT 1999

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.]

                           First Call for Papers:

                                I C A 2000

                         International Workshop on

                          BLIND SIGNAL SEPARATION

                              19-22 June 2000
                             Helsinki, Finland


                      Submission deadline: 1 March 2000


This workshop is the second in the series initiated by the highly succesful
ICA'99 workshop in Aussois, France. It is devoted to recent
advances in Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation.
An important goal of the workshop is to bring together
researchers from artificial neural networks, signal processing, and
other related fields to provide interdisciplinary exchange.

Papers describing original work on ICA and BSS are invited.
Relevant topics include, for example:
- Theory and estimation methods
- Extensions of basic models
- Convolutive and noisy mixtures
- Nonlinear methods
- Hardware implementations
- Audio and telecommunications applications
- Biomedical applications
- Image processing applications
- Data mining applications
- Sensory coding models


Important dates:

    1  March, 2000     Submission of *full* paper
    15 April, 2000     Notification of acceptance
    19-22 June, 2000   Workshop

Detailed submission information will be available from our web site:

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance 
will be based on quality, relevance and originality.
All the papers presented at the workshop will be published in the
Proceedings of ICA 2000.


L. Almeida, INESC, Portugal
S.-I. Amari, RIKEN, Japan
A. Bell, Interval Research, USA
J.-F. Cardoso, ENST, France
A. Cichocki, RIKEN, Japan
P. Comon, Universite de Nice, France
S. Douglas, Southern Methodist University, USA
C. Fyfe, Univ. of Paisley, UK
S. Haykin, McMaster University, Canada
A. Hyvarinen, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland
C. Jutten, INPG, France
J. Karhunen, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland
S. Kassam, Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA
V. Koivunen, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland
T.-W. Lee, Salk Institute, USA
R.-W. Liu, Univ. of Notre Dame, USA
P. Loubaton, Universite de Marne la Vallee, France
K.-R. Mueller, GMD First, Germany
B. Olshausen, UC Davis, USA
E. Oja, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland
P. Pajunen, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland
J. Principe, Univ. of Florida, USA
T. Sejnowski, Salk Institute, USA
K. Torkkola, Motorola Corporate Research, USA
J. Tugnait, Auburn University, USA
L. Xu, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, China


General Chair:
E. Oja
Program Chair:
J. Karhunen
Local Arrangements Chair:
V. Koivunen
Publications Chair;
P. Pajunen
Publicity Chair;
A. Hyvarinen
J. Iivarinen
Web Master:
J. Sarela


European Neural Network Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 
EURASIP, IEEE Neural Networks Council, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society


web site               http://www.cis.hut.fi/ica2000/
email                  ica2000 at mail.cis.hut.fi
postal mail            ICA 2000, P.O.Box 5400
                       Lab of Comp. and Info. Science
                       Helsinki Univ. of Technology
                       FIN-02015 HUT, Finland


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