Final Call for Participation and Abstracts: Fourth European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning
mdorigo at
Mon Jul 26 17:03:42 EDT 1999
Call for Abstracts:
EWRL-4, Fourth European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning
Lugano, Switzerland, October 29-30, 1999
(We apologize for duplicates of this email)
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a growing research area. To build a
European RL community and give visibility to the current situation on
the old continent, we are running a now biennal series of workshops.
EWRL-1 took place in Brussels, Belgium (1994), EWRL-2 in Milano, Italy
(1995), EWRL-3 in Rennes, France (1997). EWRL-4 will take place in
Lugano, Switzerland (1999). The first morning will feature a plenary talk
by Dario Floreano. The rest of the two-day workshop will be dedicated to
presentations given by selected participants. Presentation length will
be determined once we have some feedback on the number of participants.
The number of participants will be limited. Access will be restricted
to active RL researchers and their students. Please communicate as soon
as possible, and in any case before end of July 1999, your intention
to participate by means of the intention form attached below (e-mail
preferred: ewrl at Otherwise send intention forms to:
Marco Dorigo
IRIDIA, CP 194/6
Universite' Libre de Bruxelles
Avenue Franklin Roosvelt 50
1050 Bruxelles
TIMELINE: intention forms and one page abstracts should be emailed
by AUGUST 15, 1999 to ewrl at
Up-to-date information, including inscription fees, hotel information,
etc., is maintained at:
The Organizing Committee
Marco Dorigo and Hugues Bersini, IRIDIA, ULB, Brussels, Belgium,
Luca M. Gambardella and Juergen Schmidhuber , IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland,
Marco Wiering, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
INTENTION FORM (to be emailed by AUGUST 15, 1999, to
ewrl at
Fourth European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL-4)
Lugano, Switzerland, October 29-30, 1999
Family Name:
First Name:
Phone No.:
Fax No.:
____ I intend to participate without giving a presentation
____ I intend to participate and would like to give a presentation with
the following title:
____ MAX one page abstract:
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