Call for Papers: PAKDD2000
Shinichi Morishita
moris at
Mon Jul 12 23:31:16 EDT 1999
The Fourth Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Kyoto, Japan
April 18-20, 2000
Papers Due: October 10, 1999
Sponsored by: (to be confirmed)
Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence
SIG-KBS (Knowledge Base Systems)
SIG-FAI (Fundamental AI)
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
SIG-DE (Data Engineering), SIG-AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
SIG-DM (Data Mining)
Information Processing Society of Japan
SIG-DB (Data Base) SIC-ICS (Intelligent & Complex Systems)
Keihanna Interaction Plaza, Inc.
The Fourth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (PAKDD-2000) will provide an international forum for the sharing
of original research results and practical development experiences
among researchers and application developers from different KDD
related areas such as machine learning, databases, statistics,
knowledge acquisition, data visualization, knowledge-based systems,
soft computing, and high performance computing. It will follow the
success of PAKDD-97 held in Singapore in 1997, PAKDD-98 held in
Australia in 1998, and PAKDD-99 held in China in 1999 by bringing
together participants from universities, industry and government.
Papers on all aspects of knowledge discovery and data mining are
welcome. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Theory and Foundational Issues in KDD
* Data and Knowledge Representation
* Logic for/of Knowledge Discovery
* Expanding the Autonomy of Machine Discovers
* Human Factors
* Scientific Discovery
* New Theory, Philosophy, and Methodology
- KDD Algorithms and Methods
* Machine Learning Methods
* Statistical Methods
* Heuristic Search
* Inductive Logic Programming
* Deduction, Induction and Abduction
* Discovery of Exceptions and Deviations
* Multi-criteria Evaluation and Data Mining Metrics
* Hybrid and Multi-agent Methods
* Evaluation of Complexity, Efficiency, and Scalability of Algorithms
- Process-Centric KDD
* Models and Framework of the Knowledge Discovery Process
* Data and Dimensionality Reduction
* Preprocessing and Postprocessing
* Interestingness Checking of Data and Rules
* Management and Refinement for the Discovered Knowledge
* Decomposition of Large Data Sets
* Discretisation of Continuous Data
* Data and Knowledge Visualization
* Role of Domain Knowledge and Reuse of Discovered Knowledge
* KDD Process and Human Interaction
- Soft Computing for KDD
* Information Granulation and Granular Computing
* Rough Sets in Data Mining
* Neural Networks, Probabilistic Reasoning
* Noise Handling and Uncertainty Management
* Hybrid Symbolic/Connectionist KDD Systems
- High Performance Data Mining and Applications
* Multi-Database Mining
* Data Mining in Advanced Databases (OODB, Spatial DB, Multimedia DB)
* Database Reverse Engineering
* Integration of Data Warehousing, OLAP and Data Mining
* Combining Data Mining with Database Querying
* Parallel and Distributed Data Mining
* Data Mining on the Internet
* Multi-agent, Multi-task KDD Systems
* Data Mining from Unstructured and Multimedia Data
* Unification of Data Mining with Intelligent Information Retrieval
* Security and Privacy Issues
* Successful/Innovative KDD Applications in Science, Engineering,
Medicine, Business, Education, Government, and Industry
Both research and applications papers are solicited. All submitted
papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance
to KDD, originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted papers are
expected to be published in the conference proceedings by
Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
series. A selected number of PAKDD-2000 accepted papers will be expanded
and revised for inclusion in major Japanese and/or international
journals. Candidates include "Knowledge and Information Systems: An
International Journal" by Springer-Verlag
(‾kais/). PAKDD Best Paper Award will be
conferred on the authors of the best paper at the conference. The
winner will be honored US$500 and free registration.
Authors are invited to email postscript files of their papers to
terano at or to send Four copies of them to
Prof. Takao Terano (PAKDD-2000)
Graduate School of Systems Management,
The University of Tsukuba, Tokyo
3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan
Tel.: +81-3-3942-6855
Fax.: +81-3-3942-6829
Email: terano at
Electronic submission is highly preferred. Papers must be received by
October 10, 1999. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to the
first (or designated) author by December 15, 1999. Camera-ready copy of
accepted papers will be due January 15, 2000.
Format: The paper should consist of a cover page with title, authors'
names, postal and e-mail addresses, an approximately 200 word summary,
up to 5 keywords and a body not longer than ten pages with a single
space. It is recommended that the authors use the style file of
Springer-Verlag ( to
minimize the possible conflict of paper length when preparing the
camera ready.
PAKDD Steering Committee:
Xindong Wu, Colorado School of Mines, USA (Chair)
Hongjun Lu, National University of Singapore (Co-Chair)
Rao Kotagiri, University of Melbourne, Australia
Huan Liu, National University of Singapore
Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University, Japan
Lizhu Zhou, Tsinghua University, China
Ning Zhong, Yamaguchi University, Japan
Conference Chairs:
Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University, Japan
Program Chairs:
Takao Terano, Tsukuba University, Japan (Chair)
Arbee L. P. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (Co-chair)
Huan Liu, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Co-chair)
Publicity Chair:
Shinichi Morishita, University of Tokyo, Japan
Workshop Chair:
Takahira Yamaguchi, Shizuoka University, Japan
Tutorial Chair:
Shusaku Tsumoto, Shimane Medical University, Japan
Local Organizing Committee Chair:
Shiro Takata, Keihanna Interaction Plaza, Inc., Japan
Program Committee: (To be announced)
Further Information:
Takao Terano (PAKDD-2000)
Graduate School of Systems Management,
The University of Tsukuba, Tokyo
3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan
Tel.: +81-3-3942-6855
Fax.: +81-3-3942-6829
Email :terano at
Call for Tutorial Proposals
PAKDD-2000 will offer a tutorial program on KDD topics. We would be able
to present only a limited number of tutorials, and the selection would
be guided by the perceived quality and relevance to the conference. If
you are interested in giving a tutorial, please send a proposal to
tsumoto at by Oct. 10, 1999.
Call for Workshop Proposals
PAKDD-2000 will provide a venue for a few workshops to focus on advanced
research areas of KDD. Please submit suggestions for workshop
proposals to yamaguti at by Oct. 10, 1999.
Call for Panel Proposals
Proposals are sought for panels that stimulate interaction between the
communities contributing to KDD. Include title, the main goals,
prospective participants and a summary of the topics to be
discussed. Please email panel proposals to
terano at by Oct. 10, 1999.
Call for Exhibits and Industry Sessions
PAKDD-2000 will organize a data mining, OLAP and data warehouse product
exhibition. Please send proposals for exhibits to
terano at by Oct. 10, 1999.
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