ICANN*99 Call for Tutorial Proposals

Bruce Graham B.Graham at anc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Feb 25 12:59:03 EST 1999

                          CALL FOR PROPOSALS

                   ICANN*99 Conference Tutorials
                          7 September 1999
                         Edinburgh, Scotland

Tutorials on current topics in the fields of research covered by
ICANN99 will be held on Tuesday 7 September 1999, the first day
of the ICANN conference program.  Proposals by qualified
individuals interested in giving a half-day tutorial are
solicited. Topics should fall within the broadly defined area of
neural networks research, including: Theory and Algorithms;
Neurobiology and Computational Neuroscience; Cognitive Modelling;
Industrial, Commercial and Medical Applications; Hardware and
Neuromorphic Engineering; Control, Robotics and Adaptive Behaviour.

It is planned to run at least 6 tutorials of around 3 hours each:
3 in parallel in the morning and another 3 in the afternoon.
Attendees will pay a registration fee and tutors will be given
some recompense for their time and effort.  Consequently we seek
very high quality proposals.

This call for proposals can be found at: 
and further information will be added as it becomes available.

Submission Instructions

Interested parties should submit via e-mail a short proposal for a
tutorial of interest by 29 March, 1999 to Dr Bruce Graham
(B.Graham at ed.ac.uk), Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation,
University of Edinburgh.  Proposals should include an outline of
the tutorial contents and your background and qualifications for
giving such a tutorial.  The final programme of tutorials will be
decided by the middle of April.

If e-mail is unavailable, mail or fax so as to arrive by the deadline to:

  ICANN*99 Tutorials
  c/o Dr Bruce Graham
  Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
  Division of Informatics, 
  University of Edinburgh
  2 Buccleuch Place, 
  Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK 
  Fax: +44-131-650-4406


(Bruce Graham, IANC, Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh)

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