ESANN'99 - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks

ESANN esann at
Mon Feb 15 06:36:20 EST 1999

|                                                  |
|                     ESANN'99                     |
|                                                  |
|              7th European Symposium              |
|           on Artificial Neural Networks          |
|                                                  |
|      Bruges (Belgium) - April 21-22-23, 1999     |
|                                                  |
|              Preliminary programme               |

The preliminary programme of the ESANN 99 conference is now available on the
For those of you who maintain WWW pages including lists of related ANN
sites: we would appreciate if you could add the above URL to your list;
thank you very much!

We try as much as possible to avoid multiple sendings of this call for
papers; however please apologize if you receive this e-mail twice, despite
our precautions.

For 7 years the ESANN conference has become a major event in the field of
neural computation.  ESANN is a human-size conference focusing on
fundamental aspects of artificial neural networks (theory, models,
algorithms, links with statistics, data analysis, biological

The programme of the conference can be found at the URL, together with practical information about
the conference venue, registration,...  Other information can be obtained by
sending an e-mail to esann at .

ESANN - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks

* For submissions of papers, reviews,...
Michel Verleysen
Univ. Cath. de Louvain - Microelectronics Laboratory
3, pl. du Levant - B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium
tel: +32 10 47 25 51 - fax: + 32 10 47 25 98
mailto:esann at

* Conference secretariat
D facto conference services
27 rue du Laekenveld - B-1080 Brussels - Belgium
tel: + 32 2 420 37 57 - fax: + 32 2 420 02 55
mailto:esann at

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