SFN 1999 NEURON course

Ted Carnevale ted.carnevale at yale.edu
Tue Aug 31 08:26:47 EDT 1999

This year, the Society for Neuroscience meeting is earlier 
than in 1997 or 19998, so the deadline to sign up for the 
NEURON short course is approaching rapidly.  Seats are 
still available, but quick action is needed to take 
advantage of the early registration fee.

Among the new features that will be covered, I should 

  The Cell Builder, which will be of particular interest 
  to experimentalists and others whose models are closely 
  linked to empirical observations.  The Cell Builder 
  makes it easy to construct new models, but its greatest 
  strength may be in the management of anatomically complex 
  models based on quantitative morphometric data.

  The Multiple Run Fitter, a powerful and flexible new tool 
  for optimizing models with high-dimensional data sets.  
  This tool is useful for experimentalists and theoreticians 

Further information about the course and an electronic 
registration form are posted at 


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