PostDoc Pos. at GMD Japan Research Lab. (Robotics)
Uwe R. Zimmer
uwe.zimmer at
Fri Sep 11 09:15:15 EDT 1998
Post-Doctoral Research Positions in
Autonomous Robotics in Open Environments
Two new post-doctoral positions are open at GMD Japan Research
Laboratory, Kitakyushu, Japan and will be filled at the earliest
convenience. The new laboratory (starting officially at first of
November with a team of 8 scientists and 3 support staff, where
these first 8 positions should be filled completely until March
'99) is based on long term cooperations with the Japanese research
community and focuses on the robotics and the telecommunications research fields.
Investigated questions (in the area of robotics) are:
- How to localize and move in many DoF without global
- Interpretation / integration / abstraction / compression of
complex sensor signals?
- How to build models of previously unknown environments?
- Direct sensor-actuator prediction
- How to coordinate multiple loosely coupled robots?
Underwater robotics is regarded as one of the most promising
experimental and application environment in this context. Real six
degrees of freedom, real dynamic environments and real autonomy
(which is required in most setups here), settle these questions in
a fruitful area. The overall goal is of course not 'just'
implementing prototype systems, but to get a better understanding
of autonomy, and situatedness. Modeling, adaptation, clustering,
prediction, communication, or - from the perspective of robotics -
spatial and behavioral modeling, localization, navigation, and
exploration are cross-topics addressed in most questions.
Although we are an independent research group, there are of course
close connections to the robotics activities in the institute of
Thomas Christaller at GMD (German National Research Center for
Information Technology) in Sankt Augustin, Germany.
Techniques employed and developed up to now include dynamical
systems, connectionist approaches, behavior-based techniques, rule
based systems, and systems theory. Experiments are based on
physical robots (not yet underwater!). Thus the discussion of
experimental setups and particularly the meaning of embodiment
became topics in itself.
If the above challenges rose your interest, please proceed to our
expectations regarding the ideal candidate:
- Ph.D. / doctoral degree in computer sciences, electrical
engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, or related
- Experiences in experimenting with autonomous systems
- Theoretical foundations in mathematics, control,
connectionism, dynamical systems, or systems theory
- Interest in joining an international team of motivated
Furthermore it is expected that the candidate evolves/introduces
her/his own perspective on the topic, and pushes the goals of the
whole group at the same time.
Salary starts at 8 Mill. Yen per year depending on experience.
For any further information, and applications (including addresses
of referees, two recent publications, and a letter of interest!)
please contact:
Uwe R. Zimmer (address below)
link to related activities:
Dr. Uwe R. Zimmer - GMD ___|
Schloss Birlinghoven |
53754 St. Augustin, Germany |
Voice: +49 2241 14 2373 - Fax: +49 2241 14 2384 | |
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