
Jim Austin austin at
Tue Nov 10 07:21:47 EST 1998

                  Announcement / Call for Papers

           Weightless Neural Networks Workshop WNNW-99
                   York, UK, 30th March 1999

 WNNW-99 is a third in a series of premier international meetings for
 dissemination and discussion of research trends and results in
 weightless neural networks. The main aim of these conferences is to
 pro- vide a convenient forum for discussion of recent results and
 ideas in all areas pertaining to weightless neural networks, RAM based
 networks and N-tuple networks including architectures, algorithms,
 coding, hardware implementations and novel applications.

 The workshop will be held at the Department of Computer Science,
 University of York, UK. Most participants will be staying at the
 on-campus accommodation, close to the venue. The meetings will start
 on Tuesday, 30th of March, 1999 and will last for two days.

 This meeting is supported by the Advanced Computer Architecture Group
 at the Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK.

 The latest workshop information will be posted to the workshop home page

  Important Dates

 Paper Submission Deadline 	               Tuesday, 19th of January 1998
 Acceptance Notification Date not later than   Tuesday, 16th of February 1999
 Workshop Date	                                 Tuesday, 30th of March 1999


 Inquiries concerning the meeting can be sent to the organisers either by
 email to wnnw at or by post to the following address:

 	Advanced Computer Architecture Group
 	Department of Computer Science
 	University of York
	YO10 5DD

 Organising Committee

 	Prof. Jim Austin, University of York
 	Mr. Dan Kustrin, University of York
 	Prof. Nigel M Allinson, UMIST
 	Prof. Igor Aleksander, Imperial College of Science, Technology and
 	Dr. Simon O'Keefe, University of York


Professor Jim Austin, Department of Computer Science, University of York, York,
YO1 5DD, UK.
Tel : 01904 43 2734
Fax : 01904 43 2767
web pages:

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