Winterschool announcement

Thore Graepel graepel2 at
Thu Nov 5 10:43:24 EST 1998


     Berlin, Germany, December 10-12, 1998

Networks with Spiking Neurons and Synaptic Plasticity

The school focuses on key questions of computational neuroscience.
Tutorials for non-experts will provide self-contained introductions to
experimental results, models, and theoretical concepts. To prepare for
the tutorials and lectures, references to selected reviews can be
obtained via internet.

Organization: Graduiertenkolleg Berlin "Signal Cascades in Living
Systems", Sonderforschungsbereich "Mechanismen entwicklungs- und
erfahrungsabhaengiger Plastizitaet des Nervensystems" (Sfb 515)

Location: Ernst-Reuter-Haus, Saal ER-A, Strasse des 17. Juni 112,
Berlin, Germany

Abstracts, recommended background literature and further information
about the winterschool can be found on:

For registration, send an e-mail with your name and address to

kolleg at

before December 1. The registration fee of 25 DM includes the dinner
and may be paid upon arrival.

Visitors from outside Berlin can make reservations for accomodation at
various rates at the Berlin Tourismus Marketing GmbH,
phone: +49 30 25 00 25, e-mail: reservation at

Winterschool Program:

Thursday, December 10: Introductory Tutorials

9:00-10:30 Larry Abbott: Methods of neuronal and network modeling

11:00-12:30 Mike Shadlen: Coding and computing with noisy neurons

14:30-16:00 Ad Aertsen: Temporal Coding and Dynamics of Spiking Neurons

16:30-18:00 Henry Markram: Non-linear synaptic transmission

18:30       Reception and Conference Dinner

Friday, December 11: Synaptic Plasticity

8:30- 9:30 Florian Engert: Pairing-induced ltp in hippocampal slice
cultures is not strictly input-specific.

9:30-10:30 Lori McMahon: Modulation of hippocampal interneuron
excitability through changes in synaptic strength and during rhythmic

11:00-12:00 Jeff Magee: Temporal summation of synaptic activity is
spatially normalized by a nonuniform dendritic Ih in hippocampal

12:00-13:00 Alex Thomson: Cortical Cicuits: simultaneous translation
at each class of synapse.

14:30-15:30 Larry Abbott: Temporally asymmetric Hebbian plasticity:
spike synchrony and response variability.

15:30-16:30 Henry Markram: The synaptic organization principle in the
neocortex enables maximal diversity of information transmission
between neurons.

17:00-18:00 Walter Senn: Depressing synapses, their modification, and
receptive field formation

Saturday, December 12: Spiking Neurons

8:30- 9:30 Tony Zador: Input synchrony and the irregular firing of
cortical neurons

9:30-10:30 Mike Shadlen: Modeling ensembles of weakly correlated noisy

11:00-12:00 Sonja Gruen: Unitary joint-events in cortical activity.

12:00-13:00 Ad Aertsen: Conditions for stable propagation of
synchronous spiking in cortical networks

14:30-15:30 Klaus Pawelzik: Functional roles of subthreshold membrane
potential oscillations

15:30-16:30 Wulfram Gerstner: Dynamics in Networks of spiking neurons:
Fast transients, synchronisation, and asynchronous firing

17:00-18:00 Gustavo Deco: Spatio-Temporal Coding in the Cortex:
Information Flow Based Learning in Spiking Neural Networks.


Prof. Dr. Andreas V.M. Herz
Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie
Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin

Prof. Dr. Randolf Menzel
Institut f=FCr Neurobiologie
Freie Universit=E4t Berlin

Prof. Dr. Klaus Obermayer
Department of Computer Science
Technical University of Berlin

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