ICANN 99 - Ninth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

Dr L S Smith (Staff) l.s.smith at cs.stir.ac.uk
Mon Nov 2 04:38:19 EST 1998

ICANN 99 - Ninth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
incorporating the
IEE Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: 7 - 10 September 1999

First Call for Papers

The conference aims to bring together researchers from academia,
industry and commerce in the broad field of neural computation,
spanning disciplines from computational neurobiology to engineering in
what is the largest European event ever to be held in this field. It
is intended to create a focus for European research and to foster
dialogue between academic researchers and industrial/commercial users
of a still developing technology.

Theory and Algorithms
Neurobiology and Computational Neuroscience
Cognitive Modelling
Industrial, Commercial and Medical Applications
Hardware and Neuromorphic Engineering
Control, Robotics and Adaptive Behaviour

Important dates:
1 February 1999 Deadline for the receipt of papers for assessment (6 pages)
29 March 1999   Notification of acceptance to authors
14 May 1999     Final camera-ready papers must be received

Papers can be submitted electronically: see the WWW page for details.

Scientific Committee
Co - Chairs: Professor David Willshaw, University of Edinburgh
Professor Alan Murray, University of Edinburgh

For more information see 


or email icann99 at iee.org.uk

(Leslie Smith, Department of Computing Science, University of Stirling,

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