Itiel Dror
dror2 at
Thu May 21 10:50:20 EDT 1998
Pragmatics & Cognition announces a special issue on
Guest Editors
Itiel E. Dror and Sarah V. Stevenage
In many senses, faces are at the center of human interaction.
At a very basic level, faces indicate identity. However, faces
are remarkably rich information carriers. For example, facial
gestures may be used as means of conveying intentions.
Faces may also permit a direct glimpse into the person's inner
self (by unintentionally revealing, for example, aspects of
character or mood). Given their salient role, the processing of
the information conveyed by faces and its integration with
other sources of interactional information raise important
issues in cognition and pragmatics.
Research on facial information processing has investigated
these (and other) issues utilizing a variety of approaches and
methodologies, and developments in both computer and
cognitive sciences have recently carried this research forward.
The emerging picture is that there are cognitive subsystems
which specialize in different aspects of facial processing. This
has been supported by neuropsychological evidence
suggesting that brain damaged patients show dissociations
between the different aspects of face processing. In addition,
research on the development of facial processing abilities, and
on aspects of the face itself which affect these processing
abilities, has contributed to our understanding of how facial
information is perceived.
This special issue of Pragmatics and Cognition is intended to
provide a common forum for a variety of the topics currently
under investigation. Given the breadth of issues and
approaches used to investigate faces, we encourage
submissions from a wide range of disciplines. Our aim is that
this special issue will tie together the diverse research on
faces, and show their links and interdependencies.
Deadline for submission: August 1, 1998
Editorial decisions: November 1, 1998
Revised papers due: February 1, 1999
Expected publication: October 1999
Papers should be submitted according to the guidelines of the
journal (see WWW URL: All
submissions will be peer reviewed. Please send five copies of
your submission either to:
Dr. Itiel Dror (dror at or:
Dr. Sarah Stevenage (svs1 at
Dept. of Psychology
Southampton University
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ
For additional and updated information see WWW URL:
or contact either of the guest editors.
| Itiel E. Dror, Ph.D. |
| Department of Psychology dror at |
| University of Southampton Office 44 (0)1703 594519 |
| Highfield, Southampton Lab. 44 (0)1703 594518 |
| England SO17 1BJ Fax. 44 (0)1703 594597 |
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