NEURON summer course
Ted Carnevale
ted.carnevale at
Sat May 2 22:20:08 EDT 1998
An intensive hands-on course
Date: Saturday, August 1, through Wednesday, August 5, 1998
Place: San Diego Supercomputer Center
Course faculty includes: Ted Carnevale
Michael Hines
Bill Lytton
Terry Sejnowski
This course is designed for experimentalists who wish to
incorporate empirically-based modeling into their research plans.
It will be of interest to three broad classes of participants.
1. Those who have little or no modeling experience will
learn not only the technical aspects of modeling
but also its philosophical basis and scientific rationale.
2. Intermediate users will learn how best to approach
common tasks, and under what circumstances special
components of NEURON's rich feature set might be
particularly helpful.
3. Experienced users will benefit from an update on new
features and a review of important topics that may have
escaped their attention when they first learned how to
Partial listing of the topics that will be covered:
Design and construction of models of biophysical mechanisms,
individual neurons, and networks of neurons
Strategies for efficient design and project management
Adding new biophysical mechanisms
NEURON's new variable order, variable timestep method
Powerful features of the Vector and Impedance classes
The graphical user interface for simulation control
and data analysis
Registration is limited to 20 individuals on a first-come,
first-serve basis. The registration fee is $525, which
covers expenses that include room and board.
Deadline for registration is Wednesday, July 1, 1998.
For more information about this course, including an
electronic registration form, see
For more information about NEURON see
and in particular the article "The NEURON simulation environment"
(Hines and Carnevale, Neural Computation 9:1179-1209, 1997),
which is posted in HTML format at
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