New Journal
salzamas at
Tue Mar 24 12:08:40 EST 1998
Sorry for multiple posting.
Hallo to Everybody,
We are now publishing a new Journal, Economics & Complexity; Is
anybody interested at topics as NN, Complex system, Chaos, Fuzzy Sets
and Fuzzy Choice Theory applied to Economics, Public Finance,
Financial ystem? We would like to increase the list of experts
connected woth the Journal. Let me know. In the attachment You will
find information about "Economics & Complexity" Massimo Salzano,
University of Salerno - Italy
Interdisciplinary Journal on
Public, Financial, Globalisation and Social Economics
Federico Caffè Centre Publisher
Roskilde University
POBOX 260 DK-4000
Roskilde, DENMARK
ISSN 1398-1706
VOL. 1 N. 1 WINTER 1997-98
The Control of Economics as a Complex System
Massimo Salzano
Towards a Model of Economic Growth Embodying an Evolutionistic Perspective
Davide Infante
Long-Term Memory Stability in the Italian Stock Market
Marco Corazza
Financial Time Series and Non Linear Models
A.Amendola, M.S. Andreano, C. Vitale
Scientific board:
Prof. Bruno Amoroso - Economics of Globalization - University of Roskilde -DK
Prof. Elio Canestrelli - Financial Mathematics - University of Venice - ca' Foscari - IT.
Prof. Stefano Ecchia - Financial Markets - University of Naples - Federico II - IT
Prof. Stuart Holland - International Political Economy - University of Roskilde - DK
Prof. Roman Strongin - Math. Optimisation - Nizhni Novgorod - Lobacesky University - RF
Prof. Salvatore Vinci - Economics -"Navale" University - Napoli - IT
Prof. Cosimo Vitale - Statistics - University of Salerno - IT
Managing editor:
Prof. Massimo Salzano - Public Finance - University of Salerno - University
of Calabria - IT
Tel: (39) 089 962158 (39) 984 492443 fax: (39) 984 492421
The aim of this journal is to spread the use of a complex,
interdisciplinary, methodological approach to the study of
economics. Every issue will be devoted to a specific topic which will
take into account the importance of having different perspectives on
the subject. Many books and articles have been written on complexity
in economics but, generally, they are oriented towards a more
theoretical approach and it is very difficult, at the present, to
speak about a complex approach to public policy. Perhaps, this is
because the complex approach is at crossroads between economics,
public finance, banking, financial sector, mathematics and statistics.
The choice of the scientific board takes this reality into
consideration. Only academics that are very well known in their
relative fields, but are still open to new ideas, could be the
garantors that this new approach will be applied to economics whilst
maintaining a substantial respect of the disciplinary and
interdisciplinary methodology.
All contributions to the journal will be refereed using the
usual approach of "invisible referee". For works presented at
conferences organised by the journal, there will be a double
screening. First acceptance for the conference will be dependent on a
referee and then, after the conference, the results of the public
discussion will be taken into account.
This journal will be published two times a year, though some
special numbers may appear. Each number will be published in Denmark
both in paper and on the Internet. Generally we will produce fifty
physical copies. With author's acceptance, provisional versions of
articles that will be published on the Journal could be posted on
The language of the journal is English.
Instructions to Authors
(1) Papers must be in English.
(2) Papers for publication (2copies and electronic manuscript, i.e.,
on disk or by e at mail with the accompanying manuscrip) should be sent
to: Professor M. Salzano, Managing Editor, Economics & Complexity,
Department of Economics, University of Salerno Fisciano- ITALY:
e at mail: salzamas at Submission of a paper will be held to imply
that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted
for publication elsewhere. The Editor does not accept responsibility
for damage or loss of papers submitted. Upon acceptance of an article
author(s) will be asked to autorise the publication also on internet
of his article.
(3) The preferred format is Winword 8 for Win95. Do not submit your
original paper only in paper. Do submit the accepted version of your
paper as electronic manuscripts. Make absolutely sure that the file on
the disk and the printout are identical. Label the disk with your
name; also specify the software and hardware used as well as the title
of the file to be processed. Please check that the file is correctly
formatted. Do not allow your word processor to introduce word breaks
and do not use a justified layout. Please adhere strictly the general
instructions below on style, arrangement and, in particular, the
reference style of the journal.
(4) Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper only,
double-spaced with wide margins. All pages should be numbered
consecutively. Title and subtitles should be short (less then 1/2
(5) The first page of the manuscript should contain the following
information: (i) the title; (ii) the name(s) and institutional
affiliation(s) of the aurthor(s); (iii) an abstract of not more than
80 words. A footnote on the same sheet should give a) the name,
address, and telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author, as
well as an e-mail address;b) acknowledgements and information on
grants received.
(6) The first page of the manuscript should also contain up to five
key words - should be supplied.
(7) Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively
throughout the text with superscript arabic numerals.
(8) For the formulae, please would You use Winword basic MathType, and
not an advanced one.
(9) The References in the text should be as follow: "Allison (1915)
demonstrate that
." The list of references should appear at the end of the
main text. It should be single spaced and listed in alphabetical order by
author's name.
References should appear as follows:
Author1, N., Autor2, N.B., and Autor3, L.J., (1938): The tax advantage.
MacMillan, New York
Author1, W., and Author2, E. (1998): The Elements of Economics,
Journal of Economic and society
The journal title should not be abbreviated.
(10) The illustrations should be inserted in the text. All graphs and
diagrams, numbered consecutively, should be referred to as figures.
Illustrations can be printed in colour only if they are judged by the
Editor to be essential to the presentation. Further information
concerning colour illustrations and the costs to the author can be
obtained from the publisher
Any manuscripts which does not conform to be above instructions will
not be considered for the publication.
Usually, no page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author.
Twenty offprints of each paper are supplied free of charge to the
corresponding author; additional offprints are available at cost if
they are ordered when revised final version of the work is posted.
ISSN 1398-1706
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