21st CVS Symposium

Barbara Arnold barba at cvs.rochester.edu
Mon Mar 16 12:40:13 EST 1998

21st CVS Symposium
"Environmental Structure, Statistical Learning & Visual Perception"

June 4 - 6, 1998

University of Rochester
Rochester, NY

The Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester is proud to
present the 21st Symposium, "Environmental Structure, Statistical Learning
and Visual Perception".  The three-day symposium will consist of five
sessions plus an open house and lab tours on Saturday afternoon.

The meeting will begin with a Reception/Buffet on Wednesday evening, June
3. Formal sessions start Thursday morning, June 4, and end at noon on
Saturday. There will be optional banquets held on Thursday and Friday
evenings, and a cookout lunch on Saturday. Informal discussion gatherings
will follow  the banquets.


Wednesday, June 3
4:00-10:00 PM	Registration
6:00-8:00 PM	Reception/Buffet

Thursday, June 4
SESSION I: Image Statistics
E Simoncelli, New York University
C Chubb, University of CA Irvine
D Ruderman, The Salk Institute
SESSION II: Color Constancy
D. Brainard, Univ of CA Santa Barbara
S Shevell, University of Chicago
A Hurlbert, Univ of Newcastle, England

Friday, June 5
SESSION III:Surface Perception
T Adelson, MIT
L Maloney, New York University
Zili Liu, NEC Research Institute
SESSION IV: Object Perception
D Knill	, University of Pennsylvania
K Nakayama, Harvard University
P Kellman, University of CA Los Angeles

Saturday, June 6
SESSION V: Neural Coding and Plasticity
W Geisler, University of Texas Austin
N Logothetis, Max-Planck Institute
Center for Visual Science Open House and Lab Tours

Preregistration, Regular $125.00
Preregistration, Student $ 95.00
On-site, Regular	$180.00
On-site, Student	$130.00

To preregister, please return the form posted on our website
Please send a separate form for each person registering. No
preregistrations will be accepted after May 15.

If you do not have access to our website please contact
Barbara Arnold at barba at cvs.rochester.edu or 716-275-8659

The University has moderate cost rooms available for symposium attendees.
Residence halls are centrally located on the campus and are a short walk to
Hoyt Hall where the symposium sessions will be held.

A special package of residence hall room and all meals and banquets is
being offered to Symposium participants. This package includes all meals
from Thursday breakfast through the Saturday barbecue.

A small number of travel awards are available to graduate and postdoctoral
students. Applications for travel assistance must be received by May 1,
1998. Please refer to the travel award application form, posted on our
website, for more information.

If you do not have access to our website please contact
Barbara Arnold at barba at cvs.rochester.edu or 716-275-8659

  Barbara Arnold                             email: barba at cvs.rochester.edu
  Center for Visual Science                  phone: 716 275 8659
  Room 274 Meliora Hall                      fax:   716 271 3043
  University of Rochester
  Rochester NY 14627-0270

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